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September 22, 2009


That's it.

I'm going on a diet.

My first official "diet," that actually gets called that.

I'm starting immediately.

My motive: I'm Sick. And. Tired. of looking at a mountain of clothes in my closet that I can't wear.

My goal: 20 lbs. (aah! Did I just write that!?)

My method: Eat only when I'm hungry. Stop when I'm full. Stop before I feel stuffed. Drink lots of water. Like, engorge myself with water. Till I gotta' go to the bathroom every five minutes. And lastly, exercise at least three days a week. (Except that portion of the diet will have to start in October - after I quit my job.)

Favorite jeans, here I come!!

(Everybody please comment! I need all the encouragement I can get. :) Plus, it will just make my day to get, like, 50 million comments on my blog.)


Mrs. Valente said...

I know, twenty pounds sounds like so much but you can definitely do it! My goal was thirty so I still have six or seven to go!

I think your water plan sounds great!

Renee said...

Thanks!! :) Way to go on your success!! That's definitely something to brag about. How did you do it?

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! I just started P90X yesterday, and their diet plan. Its really good! Their nutrition plan for the first month says to eat three meals and two snacks (none over 400 calories) Watch your sodium intake. ALso it says dont wait till you get hungry, just set a schedule, b/c once you feel hungy your blood sugar has dropped and your metabolism,sp pretty much your body starts to store fat when you "feel hungry" Im proud of you and i will definitely follow your progress. You can do it Renee!!!

-Kari Witmer

Allen in Ecuador said...

You can do it, Renee. Or as we would say here in Ecuador, ¡sí se puede! And think about it, Danilo is going to be so proud of his mom walking around in her favorite jeans. (Of course then he'll want a kid's version to match, but that's another problem.) Anyway, 20 pounds were put on one at a time and you'll take them off one at a time. No doubt about it.

Mrs. Valente said...'s how I did it, but first of all I have never had this much trouble losing weight in my whole life, so I got pretty strict.

In addition to exercise:

Have food on hand: veggies, hard-boiled eggs, fruit (especially bananas) and yogurt.

Cut out as much sugar, flour, and processed foods as you possibly can. I stayed away completely for three weeks before I started to see the return of my metabolism.

Eat lots of fiber! I put flax seed in everything and take some fiber supplements too.

Drink lots of water. I try for a gallon a day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Renee! I just thought I would stop by and wish you good luck on your new "diet"!!

I started a 10 week fitness challenge through my gym last Tuesday, so I know exactly how you feel! There is a really cool website you can use to track your nutrition and fitness progress... I'm addicted to it!

I was first introduced to it when my friend did a fit challenge last January, it has definitely helped get me on track! It's a little confusing at first, but really cool once you get the hang of it! If you decide to try it, let me know if you have any questions!

Good luck, you can do it!!

-Mandy Dewey