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September 18, 2009

Weekend Fun

This weekend has been somewhat ho-hum, but wonderfully relaxing. We've done things like... recover from my first week back to work, and my 2nd to last week of work before I quit - which basically means I'm working like a maniac as I try to prepare things as best I can for the future manager of my department. His name is Andres and he is wonderful! Please pray for him as he just took the first step up a very steep hill called Learning Curve.

So, needless to say, I've thoroughly enjoyed dinner, a movie at home, sleeping late, hangin' with my two boys, having friends over for dinner, having friends over for breakfast, church, oh and a Kirby vaccuum demonstration (even though we already have one I was helping someone who is practicing his presentation and low-and-behold you wouldn't believe all the cool things we learned that our Kirby can do! - so then we went crazy cleaning the house! "Ooooh, look Honey, we can use it to clean this too!!"). Yes, this is a low-key weekend for me. Yes, I know I need to slow my life down. Yes, actually I kind of like my life this way. Yes, I know I'm rambling and I'm writing horribly long run-on sentences.

Ok, back to the point.

On the other hand, last weekend we had a much more adventuresome three days because we decided to go camping! Again! We just had to squeeze in one more trip before it gets too cold. And before Melissa's tummy is too big to squeeze into her tent. Ok, actually, you could fit a whole tribe in that tent. Melissa and Matt (and little Caleb) put up with us while we crashed their camping trip were our companions for the weekend... and they have an obscenely huge tent. I'm not lying. I wish I had a picture.

Here... meet Melissa:

...and her husband Matt.
...and little Caleb! (He'll be joining us sometime after Thanksgiving.)
Our happy little family joined them. Alejandro, Danilo and I:
Oh yeah, and the Tobster:
We spent the weekend building fires (well Alejandro and Matt did) and avoiding the smoke sitting cozily around them keeping warm and eating fire-cooked meals.
See how cozy my little peanut is?! And how very CUTE he looks?!
The weather was really nice. (Uh, most of the trip.) Danilo got tons of attention.

We even decided to stay two nights instead of one. This, of course, required a trip to Safeway for extra diapers, hamburgers and hotdogs. But that's no big deal.
Macgyver My husband helped us by rigging a tarp to give us shade and protection from the possible rain.
Which was a really good thing, because about two hours after he got it up,



For about three hours.

We started to wonder if staying an extra night was a good idea.
But we waited it out, stayed cozy, and let Danilo entertain us while we wondered if we were going to actually be able to cook the hamburgers and hotdogs purchased that afternoon.
Sure enough, it did clear up and we dried out.
All in all... it was well worth the trip. Fun, fellowship, s'mores, smoky clothes, dirty hair, camp fires and a cuddly baby - the recipe for a perfect camping trip!

1 comment:

Matt Frank said...

Wow yes, that was an amazingly fun trip! We had a blast with you guys! Even though our alien mothership of a tent got soaked and our air mattress had a huge hole in it causing my pregnant wife to try to sleep on gravel :-) But the memories we made with you guys that weekend were and are priceless. We love being your friends and enjoying life together!