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September 10, 2009

A little of this and a little of that... and some big news

It's official. My kid is THE CUTEST. I don't care what all you other moms say.
But does anyone have any ideas for how to cure a baby's hiccups? Because this kiddo has had hiccups All. Day. Long. The poor guy! Every time I think he's finally rid himself of them, they come back.

It's so sad. So very very sad.

Maybe my anxiety over the last several days is somehow transferring from me to him and coming out in the form of hiccups.

Why was I anxious, you ask? Well, after lots of thought and prayer, we decided I'm going to quit my job. The decision to stay home with Danny was a no-brainer. Like, who wouldn't want to do more of this all day long?

Especially when you get this response...
(Ignore the house-hold-hair-do, please.)

The difficult part was in deciding to leave my job. Because I really enjoy it. And I am kinda' good at it. (If I do say so myself.)

But the really difficult part was in telling my co-workers that I'd be leaving. Particularly my co-workers in Ecuador. By the way, for those of you who don't know what I do, I actually have two jobs - ok, well, now I have one. But before I turned in my resignation letter yesterday, I had two jobs. One is as a Mary Kay consultant. That's the job I'm keeping. That job is part of what is enabling me to quit the other one. The other is as the manager of the International Media Services department at HCJB Global.

The huh?

The... Well... What I do is establish and manage contracts between HCJB Global and other Christian ministries. We produce, distribute and broadcast Christian radio programs in other languages. Mainly Spanish - hence the team of co-workers in Ecuador. It's really cool! And I work with some really really cool people!

So, I'm going to miss them. A lot.

But I am So Very Glad that I have the opportunity to stay home with Danny. And really, there is nothing better I could give him than his Mommy with him all day.

Anyhooo... the anxiety came from having to write the resignation letter. But everyone has been extremely supportive. Sad to lose me, but happy for my decision. Exactly the kind of decision you want when you leave any position.

By the way, I am SO sorry if any of my co-workers are finding this out through this blog! I hope that's not happening!!

Also by the way, I am thoroughly enjoying beginning all my sentences with conjunctions. This lady inspired me to do so. Check her out. She's hilarious!

So, this evening I'm sitting here on my night off, sipping the remains of my flat root beer float from our trip to A&W last night healthy glass of ice water, I'm just struck with the fact that I am really thankful. Thankful for so many blessings in my life. This morning I woke up in a particularly good mood because Danilo slept all the way until 7 a.m. and when I went in to get him, he was happily cooing and laughing and playing in his crib. (One of these days I'll have the presence of mind to take a video camera in with me. It'll put anybody in a good mood.) I felt so joyful and thankful.

But I wish I felt joyful and thankful ALL the time. Even when I'm in a crummy mood. (I know, don't we all?) And I wish I could figure out how to make my voice sound sweet and patient on the phone to my husband. For some reason, it is permanently in the impatient and rude setting. I'm working on that. Please pray for me. Seriously.

And now that I've wandered around to six different subjects in one post, you're probably wondering where I'm going with this. (Actually, I'm wondering that too.)

I guess the over-riding thought tonight is that I am blessed and content. And if my life ended tomorrow, I'd be really glad to have had a cute kiddo and hiccups and two jobs that I love and the Lord's provision to stay home and cool co-workers and conjunctions and cute men in my life and flat root beer floats cool glasses of water - among other things. I hope your day is filled with thankfulness too.

What are you thankful for?

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