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May 27, 2013

1 Month

(written Nov 1, 2013)
Dear Gianni, 

Here are some one-month milestones I don't want to forget...  

You were born 7 lbs, 14 oz, and you never did lose any weight. You came home from the hospital just a little over 24 hours after you were born and at just 70 hours after you were born, you made your first outing to a restaurant to celebrate your Papa's 10 years in the United States. You gave us a little bilirubin scare, but you avoided the suntanning bed, unlike your brother.  By 5 days old, you were on a 3 hour schedule and by 7 days old, you made your church debut. 

At two weeks old, you were 20 1/4 inches long and you hit 8 lbs exactly. Your cord stub hung on until you were between 3 and 4 weeks old. At just over 3 weeks old, you lifted your head and turned it to the other side, while on your tummy. At 3 and a half weeks old, you rolled from your tummy to your back by accident.  Your head just pulled your right over! You also started to grasp things with your fingers and hold on. 

At your one month check-up appointment, you were 21 1/4 inches long, you hit 10 lbs 8 oz, and those 0-3 clothes are barely fitting you!

You slept and slept the day away. No amount of trying to keep you awake after breastfeeding was the least bit successful. You liked to wake up and look around a bit sometimes between feedings. There's little rhyme or reason to it, although Papa, Grammy and I should take most of the blame, as we pretty much just wanted to hold you, touch your baby soft pudges and let you breathe in and out in deep sleep in our arms.

You were altogether and totally irresistible, my sweet one. 

All My Love,

May 26, 2013

Gianni's Newborn Photo Shoot

Hooray!!!  I received the rest of the photos that our birth and newborn photographer, Sharayah Joytook of our little Gianni.  Enjoy!  Try not to get baby fever too bad! ;-) 

May 8, 2013
1 1/2 weeks old
Gianni Chinchilla Porras

May 18, 2013

Bedtime Wreckage

We just finished the bedtime routine with Danny.  I'm emotional and tired (go figure) and Danny stroked my hair as I laid my head on his pillow in our traditional one minute of cuddling before we say goodnight.

Tears flowed.

Then I got up to go get lip balm for my boy's chapped lips after a day in the sun and when I returned to the bedroom, Alejandro had put Gianni on the bed next to Danny.  Gianni stared at Danny's face and Danny propped himself up on one elbow and talked to his little brother like the little man he's growing into.  I don't even remember what he said, but the two of them just hung out together, there on the bed, while Alejandro looked down at them.  There my three boys were, talking and lovin' on one another, just being family.  My family.

It completely wrecked me.

May 15, 2013

Sneak Peak... Gianni's Newborn Photos

Our fantastic birth and newborn photographer, Sharayah Joy, sent me these and I just can't stand to keep them to myself any longer...  So here's your dose of CUTE for the day!!

Sigh...  I'm dying a thousand deaths of squishy newborn love.

May 9, 2013

8 Days In The Life of Gianni

(warning... longest post ever! But LOTS of pictures. Enjoy!) 

Day 2, Sunday, April 28th:

You had 6 meals today, and they're all over the map as far as length and time in between each one.  Your bilirubin test came back a little on the high side, so we'll get you to your pediatrician as soon as possible to make sure it comes down.  Last night, our friend, Dianne, got to be our nurse, which was so fun!! She took super good care of us. Today we spent a little more time falling in love with you.

And today we came home from the hospital!  

You are teensie weensie and your car seat is gigantic.  

Our hospital room: 

The view from our hospital room - the helocipter pad! 

In the car:

Danny was at home with Grandpa and Grammy, waiting to welcome his little brother!

Welcome home, little one!

Day 3, Monday, April 29th:

Today you ate 7 times, about 3 hours apart.  You are one sleepy kiddo!!

Today was a very special day because 10 years ago today, your Papa came to the United States to court me, marry me and immigrate.  That's a pretty big deal, so we surprised him and went out to dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery with about 12 friends to celebrate with appetizers and desserts.  All those friends thought I was insane for going out 2 days after giving birth to you, but you and I were doing so well that I couldn't resist having the party anyway.  It was a blast and your Papa had the greatest expression when he saw all the friends who'd joined us!

In order to give me a break, Papa and Danny attempted to
 feed you a bottle today, but you weren't very excited about it.  

Later this evening, you got to meet your Tita on Skype! 

Day 4, Tuesday, April 30th:

Today I woke up and took ibuprofen one last time and then didn't need it the rest of the day!  Yay! You had your first doctor's appointment.  The main event was the bilirubin test.  It was NOT fun to hold you while it took 10 minutes and two pricks to get enough blood from your heel.  Dude, you've got a set of lungs on ya'! The results were high enough that we have to go back tomorrow, and if your bilirubin levels haven't lowered by then, we'll have to do phototherapy (a.k.a. baby tanning bed).  And if we have to do phototherapy, that may mean admitting you back to the hospital, due to limited bilirubin beds in Colorado Springs.  Let's not do that, okay?

Your brother adores you and asks to hold you often.  He's still sort of figuring out how.

Day 5, Wednesday, May 1st:

Food, fluids and weight gain are the best way to treat bilirubin, so I've been working really hard to feed you a lot since yesterday and it seems to be working!  You are back up to your birth weight of 7 lbs, 14 oz's - 2 oz more since just yesterday!  Your bilirubin level is down slightly, so we don't have to do phototherapy.  Yay!!

On the down side, since yesterday, the full force of the nursing challenges (a.k.a. engorgement and cramping in my back and limbs) have hit me, and I'm back on Ibuprofen.  Boo.

Day 6, Thursday, May 2nd:

It was a full day today...  a little more than what I could handle in fact.  Your brother, Grammy, you and I made our way to your brother's preschool to pick him up.  Danny was SO ecstatic to come greet you and show you off to his friends and teachers!  Boy, does that kid love you, baby.  After nursing you at preschool, we made our way to the chiropractor, for "Momma to get fixed."  Boy did THAT feel good!  Then we went to Chik-fil-A, where we enjoyed lunch and your brother got to play for a while while I nursed you in the car.  Lastly, we made a trip to the grocery store, where I survived my first shopping trip with two boys in the grocery cart.  By the time we got home, I was more than a little exhausted, but I sat down to nurse you once agian.

My big mommy accomplishment for the day was having nursed you on a two-hour schedule ALL DAY, almost to the minute. That, along with hot showers, and leaning against a heating pad while I nurse you are all helping to resolve those icky nursing challenges.  Phew! Oh, and guess what else I did today?  I crossed my legs. Yup.

And guess what!?  It was Grammy's birthday!!  It ended up being such a full day that after fish tacos for dinner, we all decided that the rest of the birthday festivities could be enjoyed tomorrow.

After we got home from all the outtings, I couldn't resist pulling out the camera and playing with your sweet squishy self and the sleep sack Diane made for you.  Too cute!!!

How we spent the evening: 

Day 7, Friday, May 3rd

Since last night we all opted for bed as soon as possible, this morning we decided to start he day off right, with a heart breakfast of...

...banana splits!  Man, your brother was overjoyed at the idea of ice cream for breakfast and a movie after lunch!

Today we kept up the 2 hour schedule, and you have transformed (literally overnight) into an easy baby.  I mean, you were pretty easy before, but Grammy's favorite quote from me today was, "Baby, if you're gonna always be this easy, I'm going to keep wanting more babies!"

I'm mostly off the Ibuprofen now.  Vitamins, bananas and tea are helping to control the cramping.  That, and I learned my lesson on not over-doing it yesterday.  Oh, and you let me sleep for 4 consecutive hours last night!! That's the most sleep I've had at one time in a week!

We ended the night by going to church and showing you off.  Danny wore his "big brother" t-shirt and showed it to all his friends. You were admired and celebrated by all. And then... home for more banana splits with chocolate cake.  Yumm!

Day 8, Saturday, May 4th:

Sometime in the middle of last night, you switched yourself from a 2 hour schedule to a three hour schedule.  I woke up in the morning and decided to keep that up and you've gone right along with it, offering little complaint.  We've had an easy day of hanging at home in our pajamas doing practically nothing.  Aaaah.... I love Saturdays.

I'm back off ibuprofen and have been for at least 24 hours.  A day or so ago I weighed 160 lbs.  Today I weigh 155 lbs.  My favorite moment of the day? While getting dressed, Papa said, "Wow, babe!!" in admiration of my incredible shrinking body.  My ankles are finally back to their pre-pregnancy size and my tummy is shrinking more each day.  I am loving the rewards of exercise, hard work and a commitment to natural care through this pregnancy.  I am so thankful to God for His favor in that matter!

Hey look!  After 8 whole days, I managed to catch you for one moment with your eyes open!  :) 

I love you, little monkey!  
