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September 24, 2009

Date Night

Last night was our date night and we decided early in the day that we were going to be very intentional about making it a date night.

We decided to make empanadas. When it becomes Fall-ish and Cold-ish and heading-towards-Winter-ish around here, we always get the urge to make something yummy in the kitchen. So we turned on the radio, put the kiddo to bed, and patted eachother's behinds while we made a mess in the kitchen.
Yes, empanadas are as deliciously scrumptous as they sound. You start by making the masa.
We decided to fill them with meat and cheddar cheese. See my cool Pampered Chef cheese grater thingy? We re-discovered it last night.
Last week we re-discovered the amazing things you can do with a Kirby vaccuum. Did you know you can blow leaves off your driveway and spray paint a wall with that thing?! Amazing! Ok, sorry... back to the point.
Once the meat is cooked and the cheese is grated, then you flatten the masa into a pancake shape and fill it. Then close it with a piece of wax paper or plastic, and use a fork to seal it.
Then you fry it.
Diet? Um... I thought calories don't exist on date nights. Right??
Anyhow... then you've gotta periodically make sure they taste good.
Boy am I glad I have a husband who cooks! (Yes, of course I helped!)

1 comment:

Mrs. Valente said...

Yummy! And I laughed out loud at the MckMama/Elvis comment! She'll think that's so cute!:)