September 30, 2009
Baby's Three Months Old
September 29, 2009
Waking up with Danilo
This is the funnest thing to wake up to every morning! I finally had the presence of mind to take a video camera in with me when I went to get Danny up yesterday morning. I could hear him cooing and "talking" before I arrived in the room. Then this is what I saw:
¡No hay nada más difertida despertarme cada mañana a esto! Finalmente recordé grabar un video ayer cuando fui a levantar a Danilo primera cosa en la mañana. Pude oirle "hablando" antes de que llegué al cuarto de él. Entonces, él me saludó así:
September 27, 2009
I'm a phenomenal cook.
I managed to ruin cream of mushroom soup yesterday. From a can.
How in the world do you ruin cream of mushroom soup froma can? That's like ruining a pot of boiling water.
Well, first you dump the contents of the can into your soup bowl. Then, rather than reading the directions about what liquid should be added or how much of it should be added, you haphazardly grab milk and pour a little in until it looks about the thickness you want.
I like my soup thick. So I didn't put that much.
Well, when the proportions are wrong, the soup tastes bad. So mine did.
When my soup tastes bad, I think that I should add spices. Last time I ruined my soup by adding salt, so I decided to try something else.
Yes, I've ruined cream of mushroom soup before. Yes, I know that's ridiculous. No, I haven't learned my lesson yet.
So this time, instead of salt, I decided to crush a bullion cube and throw that in. The whole cube. Hey, bullion cubes make all kinds of other things taste yummy, right? Um, it didn't work.
By now my soup tasted even funkier and, determined not to give up, I thought, "Maybe now salt will work."
Just shake your head at me. It's alright. And wipe away those tears of laughter. It's ok.
I added salt.
Needless to say, my soup tasted AWEFUL.
But since I'd put so much effort into it, I decided to warm it back up anyway (because by now it was cold), carry it up to my bedside, and endure a few spoonfulls.
When Alejandro came home from work, he found me miserable in bed with the flu next to a night stand full of soda crackers, orange juice, ice water, a box of tissue and a bowl of
After I told him the story, he made me promise to blog about it.
Anybody got any good soup recipes? Apparently something so simple as soup from a can is not my cup of tea.
September 26, 2009
Better than a Novel
Since finding Katie's blog (The Journey) yesterday, I've been hooked. I'm reading it like I read novels. I started from the beginning - when she started writing in 2007 - and am reading every entry through to the present. I'm absolutely enthralled.
This woman - or girl? - is 20 years old. She's lived in Africa for at least two years. She has volunteered in orphanages. She feeds over 400 children daily through a non-profit ministry that she started. She has personally adopted and mothers 14 children.
She's 20.
I think when I was 20 I was taking off my traning bra.
Blogs are in the here and now. They are in real time. Blogs are real people with real stories and real lives you can be a part of through prayer and personal connection by writing. They make me think. They challenge who I am. They create a kind of a record, a scrapbook, if you will, of the good memories. And some of the bad. They give glory to God and chronicle His handiwork.
I've been sick since Friday morning (I think it's the flu), so I've had lots of time to read - given that I'm not able to do much else. I'll warn you now that I'm going to be doing a lot of reflecting on this story of Katie and her African children in the coming days. She has challenged me to the core.
...And I am brainstorming a fun way to do something as a community to send support and resources her way. I can't wait to finish figuring it all out so I can tell you about it! (If you have any ideas, send them my way.)
Katie wrote in 2007:
Oh, to live my whole life that way.
What a blessing it is that God gives us these things that pass. It forces us out of taking-for-granted mode and into living-to-the-fullest mode, which is what I am all about.
September 25, 2009
I just found a new blog that is now my favorite. My absolute favorite. Check it out.
I should be nursing Danilo right now. But frankly, he can sleep soundly another 20 minutes while I write this to you all. Because there are children out there starving. And you need to know about them. And you need to know about a woman who is loving and mothering them.
Please, I implore you... click here to read this story.
I have added a link to my side-bar to remind us all to continually read the story of an American 20 year old woman named Katie, her 14 children, and the others she takes in to love and heal. Please join me in prayer for them.
However, the whole sick situation is made significantly better, when amazing husbands like mine do something like this.
Fortunately, a kind nurse on the phone reassurred me that although I'm feeling miserable, Danilo will likely do better than me and probably not get what I have, unless I breathe directly in his face and purposely sneeze all over him. Apparently - miracle of all miracles that God made our bodies to be - nursing gives him all the good antibodies to the very diseases that I'm exposed to, therefore allowing him to fight it off better, and passes on none of the viruses themselves. Is that not amazing!? God is so cool.
So my little guy just keeps growing and growing. Did you know he's going to be three months old next week? Sheesh. That can't be possible.
By the way, he says hello. See? He's waving.
He can lift his head up pretty well during his tummy time now.
September 24, 2009
Date Night
We decided to make empanadas. When it becomes Fall-ish and Cold-ish and heading-towards-Winter-ish around here, we always get the urge to make something yummy in the kitchen. So we turned on the radio, put the kiddo to bed, and
Yes, empanadas are as deliciously scrumptous as they sound. You start by making the masa.
I hate being sick. I haven't been sick in over a year (thank the Lord). So I guess I shouldn't complain, especially because it's only just a head cold.
But I still hate being sick.
Wow, thanks everybody for all your fun advice for losing weight!! That was great, and SO encouraging! :) I currently am down 3 lbs. 17 to go! I'll keep you updated so you can keep cheering me on!
Anyone want to join me on the pound-losing journey?
I must say, though, it will be much easier to keep this up once I quit my job. If anyone wants to keep from dying of starvation, just get a job at HCJB Global. There is always food there and rarely is it healthy.
MckMama read my blog!!! That's like Elvis singing your song! (Ok, maybe a little dramatic, but still very cool.)
It snowed here in Colorado this week. I, personally, am ecstatic. Because I've been sweaty since May.
Here comes a post about our date night...
September 23, 2009
Poop and Weeds Wednesday
This is part 3 of Poop and Weeds Wednesday.
"Listen. What do you make of this? A farmer planted seed... Some fell in the weeds; as it came up, it was strangled among the weeds and nothing came of it. Some fell on good earth and came up with a flourish, producing a harvest exceeding his wildest dreams.
"Are you listening to this? Really listening?
‘…Whose eyes are open but don't see a thing,Whose ears are open but don't understand a word,
Who avoid making an about-face and getting forgiven.’”
"He continued, "Do you see how this story works? All my stories work this way. The farmer plants the Word… The seed cast in the weeds represents the ones who hear the kingdom news but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all the things they want to get. The stress strangles what they heard, and nothing comes of it. But the seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word, embrace it,
…and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams."
The Message Bible
Some verses omitted
When resolving deep issues in our lives, it take gentle patience and loving-kindness, whether the issue is our own, or an issue in someone else’s life. Sometimes we look at an issue in the life of a loved one and we want the issue to go away as quick as possible. We try to help them rip that sucker out as fast as we can! But inevitably they get hurt, and sometimes so do we. Painstaking gentleness and care must be taken.
September 22, 2009
I'm going on a diet.
My first official "diet," that actually gets called that.
I'm starting immediately.
My motive: I'm Sick. And. Tired. of looking at a mountain of clothes in my closet that I can't wear.
My goal: 20 lbs. (aah! Did I just write that!?)
My method: Eat only when I'm hungry. Stop when I'm full. Stop before I feel stuffed. Drink lots of water. Like, engorge myself with water. Till I gotta' go to the bathroom every five minutes. And lastly, exercise at least three days a week. (Except that portion of the diet will have to start in October - after I quit my job.)
Favorite jeans, here I come!!
(Everybody please comment! I need all the encouragement I can get. :) Plus, it will just make my day to get, like, 50 million comments on my blog.)
September 21, 2009
September 18, 2009
Weekend Fun
So, needless to say, I've thoroughly enjoyed dinner, a movie at home, sleeping late, hangin' with my two boys, having friends over for dinner, having friends over for breakfast, church, oh and a Kirby vaccuum demonstration (even though we already have one I was helping someone who is practicing his presentation and low-and-behold you wouldn't believe all the cool things we learned that our Kirby can do! - so then we went crazy cleaning the house! "Ooooh, look Honey, we can use it to clean this too!!"). Yes, this is a low-key weekend for me. Yes, I know I need to slow my life down. Yes, actually I kind of like my life this way. Yes, I know I'm rambling and I'm writing horribly long run-on sentences.
Ok, back to the point.
On the other hand, last weekend we had a much more adventuresome three days because we decided to go camping! Again! We just had to squeeze in one more trip before it gets too cold. And before Melissa's tummy is too big to squeeze into her tent. Ok, actually, you could fit a whole tribe in that tent. Melissa and Matt (and little Caleb) put up with us while we crashed their camping trip were our companions for the weekend... and they have an obscenely huge tent. I'm not lying. I wish I had a picture.
Here... meet Melissa:
...and her husband Matt.Which was a really good thing, because about two hours after he got it up,
Sure enough, it did clear up and we dried out.
All in all... it was well worth the trip. Fun, fellowship, s'mores, smoky clothes, dirty hair, camp fires and a cuddly baby - the recipe for a perfect camping trip!