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January 10, 2011

What I'm Learning

Today is day five without my husband.  (Don't worry... for those of you visiting for the first time, he's away for work.)  I'm learning all kinds of things!

For one, I'm learning that my husband's cologne smells phenomenal and my bathroom does not without it.

I'm learning that the house is a whole lot easier to keep picked up when we are without a grown man and a grown dog.  (We have a 75 pound black lab who's 5 years old and thinks he's 1.)

The laundry is still just as hard to remember to do.

It really is me who fills up the bathroom trash can with tissue paper.  And the shower drain with hair.

It really is him who leaves the dishes all over the sink.

Taking the trash out in the snow will wake up anyone at 11p.m., but even more so will shoveling snow any time of the morning.

The floors get dirty even without the dog and the man trudging dirt through them.

A quiet house isn't always a blessing.

One can master the art of brown rice in a crock pot given enough time by oneself.  (Here's the recipe.)

I will never be able to make meat taste like he can make it taste.  

It really is awful without him.

I love you, Honey.  Come home soon.

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