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January 27, 2011

No Complaining

I am on overload.  I have simply hit my limit on the number of things my brain can process today.

This week I have done really well.  I called a friend last night and she said I was totally hyper and really "up."  She was right.  I totally was!  And I am still content.  Just fried.  I truly LOVE working.  I realize some of you are gagging in your mouths every time I post something about how much I love what I do, but I am just so thankful for it and I wish everyone could experience it.  I think it's how God designed life to be.  For us to truly LOVE what we do.

Alejandro sent me this picture of himself yesterday.

Wait, wait...  Here you go.  

Yeah.  So, now you know he's actually painting.  :)  

And since I'm on overload... I'll share a post I started the other night and never actually put up:  

No Complaining

I was listening to the Mary Kay Hotline yesterday (a motivational phone recording changed daily) and my business mentor was talking about the idea of complaining. She is reading, "The Success Principles," by Jack Canfield (someone who definitely lives big) and one particular section of the book talked about how we only complain about what we have the power of changing. He drove the point home with the example of gravity. No one complains about gravity because there's nothing we can do about changing it. His point was that we should never complain because anything we might be complaining about is something within our power to do something about. Even if the only thing we choose to do is change our attitude.

I was thinking about this, and I think that from the perspective of someone who knows Christ, there are two situations we complain about. (1) There is the situation we either have no control over, such as the death of a family member, a health condition, or financial loss of a job due to the economy, etc. I think these are situations we are dealt and which we experience because we live in a fallen world and which God most definitely WILL work through in our lives. If we operate under the understanding that God is in control, that He holds us in His hands and that nothing and no one can separate us from His love, then there is no reason to complain. Indeed, to complain is to say, "God I reject this situation that you have allowed me to be in for the shaping of my spirit." It is a rejection of His perfect will for our lives.

I'll be the first to admit that many situations He has chosen to work through in my life were NOT what I would have chosen, but in hind-sight I can see the way He wove His perfect plan for my life through that situation and even used it to build His Kingdom in the after-math. This separation due to my husband's work is a prime example.

(2) Then there are situations that we complain about that we have every ability in the world to change, but we choose not to. An example is someone who complains about living paycheck to paycheck but who won't go out and get another job. They may even have a noble reason for not wanting to work, like being a stay-at-home mom, but if this is the case, they still have no right to complain. It is their choice, and they wish to stay in that situation. Another example is someone who complains about being in an unhappy marriage. They whine and whine, but they won't leave, nor will they do the work to improve their marriage. (I am not for leaving marriages for any reason other than those stipulated in the Bible, but that gives us no right to complain about the calling God has given us in our marriages. And yes, your spouse IS your calling.)

Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm a complainer. I've even complained on this blog from time to time. (No, really?!) That's why this principle of Mr. Canfield's convicted me so much.  Either change my attitude or change my actions.  But either way, zip it.  No more complaining.

And ya'll can hold me to that the next time I whine on this blog.  ;-)

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