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January 11, 2011

How I'm Really Doing

It has been brought to my attention that perhaps I'm not really representing myself well here on my blog this week. That is, I think I've given you all the impression that I'm struggling a bit more than I am. Not to say that being without my husband is a breeze, and of course I miss him like crazy (I'm kind of supposed to), but truly, Danny and I are doing just fine.

Oh sure, there are the daily moments when I want to pull my hair out, but that happens even when he is home. Plus, you know, I'm a girl. So, there's that whole raging hormones thing. See...

8am - Hit the snooze bar for the 27th time. Rolled over and pep-talked myself out of bed while promising myself I wouldn't stay up that late talking to Alejandro again tonight.

9am - Finished eating breakfast with Danny and making a note of the errands I wanted to run. Started the crock-pot dinner and diaper laundry. Swore to myself I'm not going one more day trying to keep Danny out of the cupboards. Added a stop at Target for child safety locks to my list.

10am - Put Danny in his crib for book time while I took a shower. Prayed through feeling totally overwhelmed and exhausted.

11am - Drove from errand number 2 to Target while enjoying the sunny day, white snow and warm car. Sang praise songs.

12pm - Met a mom in Target with a 3 year old and a 7 month old looking frazzled. Counted my blessings and offered to pamper her with a facial. Made a new friend.

1pm - Finished lunch and took Danny upstairs for a nap. Attemped to install the child safety locks without a drill. Called Alejandro in utter frustration. Called a friend who had a drill. He said he'd loan it to me.

2pm - Stripped the bed and remade it. Got computer work and business calls made. Felt better having been productive.

3pm - Friend came over with the drill. I learned how to use it and installed the child safety locks.

4pm - Headed upstairs feeling energized and with a huge sense of satisfaction to get Danny up from his nap. He had snack while I vaccumed and mopped the floors. Finished diaper laundry.

5pm - Laid on the floor of Danny's room while he climbed on me and played. Went downstairs for dinner.

6pm - Gave up on (1) trying to get Danny to eat more and (2) hoping he's not getting sick. Wiped the food and snot from his face. Put him in the bath tub.

7pm - Sat on the toilet, writing this post from my phone while Danny plays in the bath.  Drained the water, refilled the tub and got in with him.  Enjoyed a bubble bath.

8pm - Danny's in bed, I'm listening to Christmas music (yes, in January) on Pandora, and I'm about to make hot chocolate and work on Danny's 18-months-old post.

So you see? There's really no need to worry. I'm just an emotional gal with her ups and downs who likes to share them all with you. (You're welcome.) We're alright. Today was actually a phenomenally productive. And yes, I pack every day like this. It's just kind of how I roll.

Oh, and plus, next weekend Danny and I are meeting Alejandro and lots of family in Albuquerque!  So it won't be such a long time without seeing him after all.  Yay!

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