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January 26, 2011

Dear Daddy,

Today Mommy and I played blocks. We played for a long time. I built towers six blocks high several times, all by myself! I was building using the triangle, square and cylinder blocks that go in the fit-the-shapes-in-the-right-hole toy and I figured out that I have to turn the triangle a certain way or the other blocks can't set on top. I felt pretty smart.

Also, I figured how to fit those blocks into the right holes all by myself and I know how to get them out, although Mommy has to help me because the string is hard to pull.

When I ran out of blocks to build towers with I pulled over the basket that has all the balls and regular blocks. I dumped them in my lap like always.

Then I sorted out the colored blocks I was using before and put them in my lap to keep building. Did you know that balls don't work to build towers? I tried. It doesn't work. So I quit trying.

Mommy got tired of sitting on the floor so she leaned on my orange pillow. I got mad and took it away. It's my pillow and she can't lean on it. You can't either.

At lunch I tried to get her attention by acting like I was going to throw my food on the floor. She said "no" and ignored me. That didn't work. So I didn't throw it. I ate it and dropped the spoon instead. So then I had to eat with my fingers.

Now it's naptime so I'm dreaming of you and when you come home. And ice cream. And marshmallows.

I love you, Daddy!


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