Three years.
This goodbye was, I think, the hardest. We loaded the family in the car and drove down to the post office where Gustavo works to give him goodbye-hugs.
And as we drove down the street, Alejandro turned and looked the other way. When I glanced over at him, silent tears streamed down his face. I think my heart broke in half.
Saying goodbye to his mom at the airport wasn't much easier, although I think she did her best to put a smile on her face and make it a little easier on us. This time it was my turn to cry buckets.
...and then we got on our plane.
Ok, actually, there was somewhat of an adventurous story here. In truth, we walked through the gate to get into a big long line. Then we stripped took off every removable piece of clothing on us without exposing ourselves to go through the metal detectors. Imagine me holding Danny at arms' length so they can make sure I'm not hiding a rifle inside my baby-carrier. Then we re-dressed and re-packed. Then we walked down the hall, fed Danny lunch in the terminal and paid a fortune for pizza. Then we stood in another long line. Then we stripped and un-packed again. Then we got on a bus which drove us from the terminal across the airfield to our plane. Then we got out and stood in a windstorm in another long line. Then we stripped again and got frisked before finally climbing the stairs up into our plane. Sheesh!
And then... we came home.