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February 15, 2010

Costa Rica Story #12: New Life

Costa Rica Post #12 of 14

Hands down, the most enjoyable thing I got to observe while in Costa Rica for the Christmas holiday was a little trip into downtown we took with the family. This is my brother-in-law, Gustavo, and his new wife, Angie.
Aren't they just the cutest young whipper-snappers you ever did see?!

Ok, I just said whipper-snappers, which officially makes me ancient.


Anyway, if you are wondering about a little bulge on the front of her absolutely gorgeous petite frame, you would be suspecting correctly! Angie's pregnant and expecting near the end of June (we think).

This particular day, we are all heading downtown to the hospital for an ultrasound! --Which is a BIG deal in Costa Rica. It's not like here, where everyone gets an ultrasound 2 or 3 times throughout their pregnancy. You have to pay extra for it. And so we were really excited!!

Here is my mother-in-law, a teensy bit pumped about seeing her second grand-baby!
And her is the dad-to-be. Yep. Had just a little nervous energy to expend before we all headed out the door. So, um, he hoola-hooped. Ha!
Watching Angie and Gustavo as they rapidly find themselves in a very grown-up place in life, was such a joy. The wonder and amazement that unfolds before them puts the most beautiful glow on their faces and twinkles in their eyes. Um, when I'm pregnant next time, can I wear heels like that?! SO jealous.

Ok, well I do have a good decade of age working a little against me.

Anywhoooo... we all waited patiently and quietly for our turn to go in.

I wish the camera would've worked better... but this was all I got with the lights out and 8 people crammed into a 12x12 foot space.

Actually, I spent the entire ten minutes watching Angie and Gustavo. The look on their faces was indescribable!

Congratulations, you two!

Oh, and guess what!?

It's a girl!