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February 4, 2010

stream of consciousness... and an update on my sister's trial

stream-of-consciousness = no editing or re-reading. just writing without stopping.

about two hours ago, i noticed that it was getting late, my eyes were getting sleepy, and i should probably head to bed. so, i started my bedtime-routine (which i recently realized is absolutely ESSENTIAL to any semblance of success in my business the following day). um, i obviously got derailed, because now i'm blogging.

oh well.

i jumped around to a few of my favorite on-line places, and found a another new favorite place to visit, which i realize is making the list of blogs i read ridiculously long... and probably annoying to you all, but i kept it that way, because it's the most convenient way for me to see who has written and how recently so i make sure and stop by and read anything new.

and on a totally unrelated note, i really wish i was at blissdom right now. and i'm totally excited that angie is pregnant again. and i also really want to be in oregon right now. yes, i know that's random. it's just that that's where my sister is, and i want to be with her to give her a huge suck-the-air-out-of-your-lungs squeeze right now.

i'm so very proud of her.

i also realized that i have a horrible habit of jumping around from one blog to another while writing (like Kingdom Mama does - actually her confession made me aware that i do it too) as evidenced by the six tabs and two windows that are all open on my internet browser right now.

oh and i also realized that i have yet to finish up the "thank you god for poop and weeds" series i started back in... um... september.

that's ridiculous.

someday i'll finish it.

oh and i also have yet to finish posting my costa rica pictures.

that's ridiculous too.

...ok, now i'm just depressing myself.

so on to what i really wanted to tell you all, which is how proud i am of my sister, lisa! she seriously did SO well today. ok, actually i wasn't there. but i can tell that she did, because she and my mom told me lots of details. plus, because when she got on the phone, she immediately greeted me with, "man, you must have been praying HARD, girl!"


um, why yes. i was. and so were all of you!

i wish i could tell you all of it, but the trial's not over, so there is lots of stuff that i won't share. they expect it to last until tomorrow or monday.

so she testified today - that was the really hard part she was worried about - and it was (in my mom's words) gruelling. she was on the stand for around 4 hours total.


there's not a whole lot of anything i like to do for four hours. let alone something as yucky as that.

she did ask me to thank all of you deeply for all of your prayers. i can't even count how many messages i forwarded to her through texts in the last 48 hours, but she felt incredibly encouraged.

she also said i could share this: when she woke up this morning, she continued praying and focused on psalm 27:1-3.

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

2 When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
when my enemies and my foes attack me,
they will stumble and fall.

3 Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then will I be confident.

and that's what she had on her heart the whole morning. she said that at one point, as she prayed, she felt like the lord laid what felt like a mantle of fire over her shoulders. she said it literally felt like a bird of fire and feathers dropped it off onto her shoulders, and all morning it was warming, comforting, protecting and strengthening her. she said that when she stepped down from the stand after giving her testimony, the mantle turned into a light one of white feathers.

what. a. gift.

thank you, Lord.

tomorrow she may have to take the stand again, but if she does, it will be short and much easier than today.

please continue to pray for her and for the outcome of the trial. i am burdened to pray for her (former) boyfriend, "D." he is lost. although he's surrounded, he's alone. please pray that the outcome would result in a path that would lead him to healing. pray for both of their hearts and lisa and D go head-to-head tomorrow. may only the Lord win this battle.

that's all for tonight.
