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February 1, 2010

7 Months Old


Dear Danilo,

It's unbelievable to me that you are 7 months old. Of course every mama says that, and I'm sure you'll be annoyed with me when you're 18 and I'm still saying, "I can't believe it was 18 years ago that...". But you'll survive, and for now I can marvel at 7 months.


You have turned my life upside down and inside out and I love every bit of it. Well ok, maybe not EVERY bit - like not when I'm dog tired and you hit a growth spurt at 2a.m. and want to eat. But MOST every bit.


Our days are more and more routine, which your creature-of-habit-mom really likes. You take two solid two-hour naps per day and sleep from 8pm till 7am every night. You like pretty much everything we give you, even the carrots that you weren't sure about at first. Besides carrots, you eat bananas and squash with your rice cereal - your mom has been a little slow in the expansion of the food variety department. But don't worry. I've got it under control and peas are coming soon!

These past two months you've done the most growing and changing so far. You learned to sit by yourself and you rarely fall over anymore.


You have pulled yourself to a stand when holding Mama's or Papa's hands. You are great at reaching all kinds of things that we think are out of your reach...


...and you figured out how to swivel around on your back by twisting and rolling onto your sides. You roll from your tummy to your back, but only because you're not a huge fan of tummy-time...


...and you have no interest whatsoever in rolling the other way or crawling. You have two bottom teeth that sparkle when you smile and you even like it when we brush them!


Most exciting though, was when you decided to blurt out "Ma-ma!" on New Year's Day. Now that's what I call a good start to the New Year!

You LOVE baths, as evidenced in the pictures.


You like books and playing on your own or in someone's lap. You're going to be great at rough-housing! You are known far and wide by your great smile.


You give great hugs by wrapping your chubby arms around my neck, burying your lips in my ear and pulling my hair. There is no greater feeling! -Well, except when you give me a slobbery kiss by pressing your open mouth to my cheek. Aside from "Mama," you just babble and make boy noises.


You give your Papa a run for his money in the farting-noises-from-your-mouth department. And you challenge us all in the real-farting-noises and stinky-diaper department. But that's enough high school girlfriend embarrassment for now. (Oh wait, I don't want you to have a high school girlfriend!).

I pray for you every day. I pray that you'll be strong and healthy. I pray that you grow wise and disciplined, determined and loving. I pray that the Holy Spirit would plant Himself firmly in your heart and that you always keep the infectious joy that oozes from your little heart.

I love you, Baby!
Hugs and Kisses,