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March 31, 2010

Girls' Spa Night

One of my most favorite things about my Mary Kay girlfriends is that we can be cannot help but be totally goofy together!  You should come to one of our meetings...  it's amazing we can even call them training meetings, because we dance and party and laugh hysterically and go home with our cheeks hurting.  The fact that I can actually call that work is just beyond phenomenal. 

My absolute favorite event, held on a monthly basis, is our spa night.  Hands down. 

There is. No. Comparison. 

The goofiness starts right away.  This is one of my best friends, Adria.  She and I are pretty much the Pink Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. 

Get us together, and it's hopeless. 


...She's also my jazzercisin' buddy.  :) 
She's pretty much one of my favorite people on this earth.

We hang out and mask our faces and giggle. 

Look, we were The Scream. 

You know, the painting... 

Um, nevermind. 

After we mask our faces and giggle, we lay back with lavender hot towel treatments and giggle. 

I know we look like we're all relaxing...  but actually we were laughing hysterically and all of our faces and shoulders were shaking under our towels.  Meanwhile, our fearless leader, Candace...

...who is another one of my favorite people on this earth...just shook her head in dismay at us laughed at us hysterically.  We were pretty much all out of control. 

To continue the pampering, we sugar-scrubbed our feet. 

And wrapped them in hot towels.  (Different hot towels than the ones on our faces - ew!)

And finished up with paraffin hand and feet treatments.

Adria's manicured toes were so cute I couldn't resist taking a picture.  I'm officially going to get polka dots on my toes sometime this summer.  I think it rocks.  Don't you?

Doesn't that just look like the best girls night EVER!?  Well, it was. 
Don't you totally wanna' join us?! 

(Well, ok, Dad...  you probably don't.)