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March 1, 2010

My Uncle Is Ok!

Thanks everyone, for your prayers and concern! I know many of you were worried for your family too. It took a while to hear back from him, but all is well.

As it turns out, the wave was only three feet high, and because it hit the shore his house is on at a 90 degree angle, it never even crossed the road to his house. Thank the Lord! They took plenty of precautions, though. My 13-year-old cousin thought it was great adventure to pack up the house, move their vehicles behind the house up the hill a bit, and go hiking up the mountain to camp out in an old WWII bunker with arms (in case of looters), fishing poles (in case they needed food) and supplies (in case the house was obliterated). They really didn't know what to expect and were prepared for the worst!

Somehow I don't think my uncle thought it was quite as exciting as his step-son did. But then again, this IS the E.R. doctor who's a Navy Seal, who tried to get me to say, "Uncle Kenny wants a beer," and who has his share of secret submarine missions!

I'm just glad they're all ok. :)