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March 9, 2010


Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to me...
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee....
Happy Birthday to me!

I'm 31 today.

Which means I'm officially old.

Ok, maybe not. I still do feel like I'm just getting started. Although I realized the other day that I can no longer remember all of my teenage and adult life in vivid detail. Isn't that weird? One moment you can remember each new journey and adventure God had you on and all of the things you learned, and then all of a sudden some of it starts to get blurry.

Ok, now I'm really feeling old!

But what I do remember...

Let's see... I remember sitting next to Mom while she read the stack of books I brought to her (or at least two or three of them). I remember my Dad saying that he would always be just a big kid and bedtime guitar lullabyes with him. I remember making a fort out of our jungle-gym and a blanket in the back yard on hot summer days. I remember praying under a tree at church with my Dad and giving my heart to Jesus. I remember running outside when it rained to splash barefoot in all the puddles and get as wet as possible.

I remember blowing out birthday candles on the split cake (half blue and half pink) with my Grandpa who I shared a birthday with. I miss him. I remember junior high and awkward days months years. I remember spilling something Every. Time. I sat down to eat dinner. Anywhere. I remember starting high school and all of a sudden I was way more emotional than I understood and way too serious about boys. I think I'd rather forget most of the rest of high school!

I remember my first year of college and walking down the hill next to the ocean on the way to my dorm. I remember my messy roommate. I remember the summer I spent in the mountains falling in love. I remember the summer I spent in the mountains getting my heart broken. I remember giving up. I remember getting up again. I remember getting on a plane by myself to go to a country I'd never been to. I will never forget walking through a slum my first day in that country, feeling completely helpless and lost and alone in a place where I couldn't talk to anyone but I wanted to help everyone.

I remember finding someone to talk to. I remember talking to him for hours. And hours. And hours. I remember when he gave his heart to Jesus. I remember that by the time I decided to give my heart to him, he already had it. I would rather forget the four months we spent apart. I remember reuniting in my country and frustrating conversations as he learned English. I remember his hard work. The proposal. The question. I remember I Do.

I remember a mariachi band trumpet blaring and my surprise at a true serenade from my new husband. I remember new small apartments, new pets, new jobs, new social groups, moving and a new house. I remember the first winter with snow.

I remember five years and our weekend getaway. I remember my shock at the pregnancy that resulted. And my utter elation two seconds later. I remember a big tummy and swollen feet. I remember kicks through my ribs. I remember sleepless nights. I will never ever forget the first time I saw him. I remember how tiny he was.

And now somehow I'm 31. So much to remember. (I guess I remember more than I thought.) Somehow the years have flown by and at the same time I have a million to go (Lord willing). So much to be thankful for.

Thank you all for sharing it with me!

Oh and don't forget my silly birthday wish! Leave a comment! Or two or three! Ha! :)

But most of all, I pray that you have a wonderfully full blessed day and that you remember all you have to be thankful for.

In His Love,