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March 26, 2010

Living Big

I talk a lot about living big.  Or at least I think a lot about living big.  But I realized the other day that I haven't spent a ton of time on my blog talking about it or talking about exactly what I mean by that and how you walk that out in life. 

I'm headed up to Denver for a conference this evening, and the whole family is coming with me, so today I drove my husband to work at O-dark-thirty in the morning so I can pick him up and leave directly from his work this evening.  As I was groggily driving, God started a converation with me.  We were talking about two of Satan's biggest, craftiest, most effective lies. 

Don't do that - you're just being selfish...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?

I think Satan defeats countless dreams and visions with these lies, when they're just barely a seed in the hearts of men, freshly planted there by God Himself. 

I'll give you an example:  Not moments after God placed the idea in my heart for Mi Querida Biblia, Satan threw these two little lies at me. 

Don't do that - you're just being selfish... just want your blog to get big.  You just want the attention.  You only think it'd be cool for more people to read your words and feed your ego and make you feel important...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?
What if no one wants to?  What if the idea dies? 
What if you end up doing it alone? 
Think how stupid you'll feel... 

Fortunately, a moment after that the Holy Spirit shut his mouth and said,

Alright, it is important to make sure you're motives are right.  So, let's do that...  mmmmmmk, check.  They are.  And what if it IS a big flop?  Who cares?  What if only one person does it with you?  So what?  You'll have gone the extra mile, learned from the experience, blessed others, and planted seeds of My Love in the hearts of those who read your words - which, by the way is why I gave you a passion to write in the first place.  This whole thing was MY idea.  Remember?  So, since it was my idea, I DO plan on blessing it.  You've nothing to lose.  Step past your fear. 
Answer my call. 

And I'm so glad I did!  I can't believe how many of you have responded enthusiastically, saying that this very thing has been on your hearts too!  It's an incredible confirmation to me that God was speaking to you all about this, at the same time he spoke to me about it.  Wow!

But how many other dreams and visions are squashed by those lies?  In my business, I often encounter women who ponder a business in Mary Kay and think they would enjoy it, only to be shut down by the words...

Don't do that - you're just being selfish...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?

A man dreams of opening a business and stepping out on his own, fulfilling his goals of being an entrepreneur with more time for his family. 

Don't do that - you're just being selfish...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?

A young woman dreams of stepping into politics, longing to be a voice for mothers and children across the country. 

Don't do that - you're just being selfish...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?

I'm sure glad Sarah Palin didn't listen. 

A young college student thinks of going to seminary to be a pastor and start a church. 

Don't do that - you're just being selfish...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?

I'm really glad Brady Boyd didn't listen.

A fifty-something retiree thinks of using her experience in the work-place to start a community-supported program to help at-risk youth. 

A recent college-grad thinks of moving abroad to serve in another country for a year. 

My husband is really glad I didn't listen!

A high school senior considers putting off college to move to Uganda to serve in orphanages for three months. 

Don't do that - you're just being selfish...
...besides, what if it's a big flop?

Babies in Uganda are really glad Morgan and Katie didn't listen.

I am convinced that the majority of the moments when we balk on the brink of stepping forward to pursue a crazy hair-brained idea that who-knows put into our head, it is the seed of a dream that God has planted and has HUGE plans for, if only we would have the courage... follow through. step past fear. lay to rest the doubts. ignore Satan's nagging whiny voice,

...and to listen to still small one that beckons us to step into our destiny. 

What is the dream that this Voice has whispered to you lately?