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March 4, 2010

stream of consciousness

i've been laying in bed for the past hour reading some of my favorite blogs on my phone, thinking, and writing in my mind (something i do often) and i finally decided that there was NO WAY i was going to be able to sleep, so i might as well just get up and sit down to type.

i have lots of things on my mind. it's been quite a full week and a half. i wish i could spill it all out to you all, because i process it all so well that way, but i'm not at liberty to now. that's an unspeakably frustrating thing for me. but i want to honor those who are not ready to share. anyhow, there have been several trials that have reared their ugly heads in the last week and a half and i've kind of been dealing with it all.

some things i can share...

mckmama's colorado mckgathering was just way too much fun! i thoroughly enjoyed meeting mckmama, which i think i wrote already, but that's ok. i find her so personable and fun and down to earth. we had the privilege of spending even more time with her on saturday for the Focus on Marriage simulcast event. the simulcast was simply amazing. everyone i know who was there came home with something profound and took some significant new steps in their marriage. it was no different for alejandro and i. we have had some really great conversations since we got home and it's fascinating for me to hear his take on things that i heard as well. check out mckmama's post on the event, as well as Sarah's. they really captured some of the greatest highlights in their posts.

then on sunday night we had our grocery store friends from kingdom twindom over for dinner. it is always an honor and a treat to get to hang with them. you've gotta check the pictures sarah took.

and since it's my birthday next week - ahem, i said it's my birthday (and i really hate attention for my birthday ahem - i told my latin lover (aka my husband) that i wanted to go hang out at kingdom twindom for the weekend. so we are! ha! love it! and since sarah is an addicted blogger too, and solely (ok not) responsible for my blog addiction, well, you can expect lots of great blogs to come, i hope. i always get inspired when hangin' with her.

(i think i might nickname alejandro "my latin lover" on my blog. you know, because he is my latin lover. what do you think? MLL for short. i know. i'm a dork.)

speaking of my birthday... oh we weren't? well now we are... i really only have one wish: that's that Every. Single. Last. Reader of mine. would leave a comment on my blog. it's March 9th. you know... so you can mark it on your calendars and set reminders and make sure to come leave a comment. or two. or more. ahem (i know i'm a dork. we established this already, remember?) i may even have a cool prize to give away to some commenter. and the more comments you leave, the more entries you get!

ok so here's the other reason why i want comments on my birthday: cause i'm gonna figure out how to put an ad or two on my blog - so i can earn loads of cash about 50 cents a week. and what will i do with all this mula, you ask? well, i'm going to put it into my piggy bank. and someday i'll spend it on a really cool computer. or camera. or both. feed this blogging addiction of mine.

so don't forget. march 9th. my birthday. come comment. :)

yes, mom, even you.

ok, so now that i'm done with that little ridiculous tirade, we can move on. what else has been happening around here? well, danny turned 8 months, so i've got some killer pictures of him that i've been saving for his 8-month post. i made a big new bold committment to a goal in my business that scares me half to death, but which i'm committed to share with you all. and i've been scheming on some great posts on baby-food making and cloth diapers. oh what a mommy blogger i've become.

on an only half-way related note, someone called me "suzy home-maker today." i had to laugh! because even though i'm a cloth-diaper fanatic and i thoroughly enjoy making most all of danny's baby food, it is purely out of a give-me-the-easiest-and-cheapest-way-to-get-this-done motive. no suzy home-maker here. you'll see.

well, i think that's it for now. now i'm committed! i better come back and make good on all my promises to write!