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May 29, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Today, we squashed a frog

Apparently I'm just a glutton for punishment, because instead of spending my day blogging, like I talked about doing, we spent the day in our front yard. 

Pulling weeds.  And mowing.  And raking.  And aerating.  And gardening. 

My front yard is a teensy bit terribly attached to my pride and ego.  I take absolutely no personal responsibility for this character flaw.  I blame it entirely on my Dad.  He is that neighbor with the gorgeous green grass that everyone hates because their grass can never measure up. 

Love ya Dad!  ;-) 

Anyway, now my back is tired and my palms are blistered and my shoulders are just a touch tanner and redder and I'm a happy girl because our front yard now has more grass than dirt and weeds.  Yay!  And even better...  now we're at a good friends' house!  We just had a really yummy chicken tortilla soup - Melissa seriously needs to share the recipe on her blog.  The boys are playing golf on the Wii, Danny is ecstatic in their Jumparoo, Melissa is making cookies and I'm blogging.  Does life get any better?? 

Didn't think so. 

I have some super duper exciting news that has to do with blogging, but I can't spill the beans yet.  Although I REALLY want to.  But I won't.  Some details need to be figured out first.  Then I'll spill. 

An update on my Mary Kay goal...  Well there are two days left and I have 15 faces to go.  Ha!  But actually I am very optimistic about finishing!  I have two parties and an individual appointment scheduled and many women to call, so please be praying for me.  Mostly I just want to have fun and bless women in the process.  I know there are women out there who need my encouragement, my Jesus, my skin care or my business opportunity.  I'm praying God leads them to me. 
On a totally unrelated note... you may have noticed a change in the blog roll on my sidebar.  In an effort to shorten the length of the list on my main page, and also in order to make sure that the blogs I'm recommending to my readers on my main page are blogs of professional quality, I decided to create a page where I could list every single last blog that I read. These are ALL the pages I check. Most are IRL* friends and family and some are blogland friends and many are both. Some of these people post three times a day and some post once in a blue moon but I love them all dearly and wouldn't want to miss a single solitary post. So... Meet my friends!  (Or click on the "My Complete Blog Roll" button on my sidebar.)

*IRL - In Real Life

Melissa just came and put the bowl of the remaining M&Ms not in the cookies right by my seat.  Oh.  Heaven. 

Aaaaaaaand, my husband just described the one of Danny's poopy diapers as the shape of a Pringle chip.  Went into detail about how Dannny had squished it around in his diaper to get it just the right shape.  Really!? 

And I just wrote that on my blog!  Really?!?!

Oh!  I just remembered another fun piece of news I've been DYING to tell ya'll about!  But it deserves its own post.  So I guess that means it's time to sign off! 

Ciao for now,