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May 21, 2010


Danny is doing all kinds of new things these days!

His biggest thing is his gross motor skills development and his progress toward mobilization. Earlier this month he figured out the last little trick of getting his lower arm out of the way in order to get all the way from his back to his tummy... Finally!

He's pretty comfortable on his hands and knees although he doesn't stay there very long. He can push up onto his hands when something is keeping his knees from sliding back and he often tries to push/army crawl forward with his legs, although he hasn't figured out how to place his toes down to get traction.

He can also get down to his knees or tummy from a sitting position by either turning to one side or by pulling himself forward. He figured this one out in order to reach my purse!

He can lift up my shirt to play with my belly button, although mostly he forgets it's there until he gets a glimpse of it after nursing. And when he's decided he's done nursing, rather than let go and let me sit him up, he has figured out how to get his bottom arm out from under mine and he pulls my shirt to get to sitting (with my help).

His fine motor skills? They're coming right along too! He has the greatest scowl that he gives us. He wrinkles up his little forehead, narrows his eyes, and purses his lips together. When he gives it to us in question of what we're doing, it makes us smile, but when he uses this look of defiance at the dinner table, it is a struggle not to crack up!

He's pinching between two or three fingers with ease and do you know what he did this morning for the first time?

He picked his nose.

And he tasted it.

The look on his face at the taste was priceless! At least he didn't like it very much. Ha!

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