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May 13, 2010

Breakfast Chat

As Danny and I sit with our breakfast I thought I'd start typing between spoonfulls. This is always when I'm composing in my mind and if I don't just write it down I'll lose it. Danny just finished his melon and has moved onto cheerios and I'm sipping on a banana flax shake while we look out the window and watch snow fall from the sky on this May 13th.

Yes, snow. Isn't it funny how snow makes us happy in December and sad in May? Maybe I just need to flip my wall calendar to December, heat up some peppermint hot chocolate and put on Christmas music. Ok, I'm lying. I don't have a wall calendar. But you get the idea - it's a mental switch.

God hit it home to me last night and this morning how much of a CHOICE my attitude is. I think it's a fallacy BIG FAT LIE that we are told that we have no choice over our emotions and that we feel what we feel. We may feel what we feel but we also have the God given ability to root ourselves in truth, ground ourselves in love (Ephesians 3:17-19) and turn that frown upside down. Mary Kay Ash used to say (for those in business for themselves) that if you can control your emotions, you can control your paycheck.

Anyway, back to how God hit it home to me this morning. Today the stars aligned and all is well and so I am happy. Today I am enjoying a good mood and energy because I actually did several simple things that we all know help us but that we don't often put into place. Last night I organized my desk, prioritized my work and set a few things out for today so that I wouldn't be thinking all night long about what I needed to get done today. Then I actually - shocker of all shockers - WENT TO BED EARLY!

I know. Crazy.

And this morning I woke up easily after my full night of sleep and enjoyed a half hour in the Word under the cozy covers. (Thank you Jesus that Danny actually slept through the night too, after a two-week run of screams in the middle of the night due to teething. That top left tooth is gonna break through any moment.)

I realized this morning that my good mood is the result of two things. First, it's a result of my pre-decision decision. That's right. Our church youth group teaches our kids to make pre-decision decisions about certain things like drugs, sex, pornography and many other light and heavy issues. That is, they are taught to make a decision about what they will do LONG before they are faced with a choice of action. In essence, I did this last night as I prepared myself for bed. I put certain things into place with the determination that today is NOT going to go like yesterday did. I made the decision to have a great day long before the day hit.

Second, my good mood is the result of my in-the-moment decisions. When the alarm clock sounded, I grabbed my Bible rather than groaning and rolling over, even though that's what I felt like doing more. When the reading for today was about clean and unclean skin conditions - which just really grosses me out - I decided to be glad God cares about our skin cells as well as our hearts. When I saw the folded diapers in the hall, I decided to be joyful that my husband brought them up from downstairs rather than disappointed that I'd still have to put them away. When I saw the May snow I decided to pretend it was December! Ha! And when Danny gave me his first scowl of the morning, I smiled back and told him he could practice that scowl all he wanted but that today we are going to have a great day.

And then he broke into a huge toothy grin.

That's my boy!

Alejandro's mom emailed us yesterday with an update on Freddy (my father-in-law who has colon cancer) and a note about her determination to be positive. Freddy is still home - his release to home stuck this time. He is recovering and will start chemotherapy soon (I think this week). They are not doing a second colon surgery to remove more polyps because his weak body would not survive it. Fanny is concerned that this will cause metastesis of the polyps but has put her trust and faith in the Lord. She seems to be encouraged, and if nothing else, she too, has determined to be positive and strong through adversity.  I am so thankful for her Godly example as she walks through this trial. 

Well, that's it for now.  Have a wonderful day! 
