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May 5, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Is anyone still out there? Do I even have any readers left? If so, ya'll are the best ever, cuz I've seriously been slackin'!

A business mentor of mine once taught me that challenges come in threes but blessings come in thousands. And I've heard it said that "when it rains it pours." I have to wholeheartedly agree with both statements. Last week was quite an incredible week at our house! I'll see if I can recap...

The big news is that I am officially "on target" to earn the use of a Mary Kay car! Nope, not the pink Caddy - at least not yet. It's a Chevy Malibu and the company pays for the lease, the taxes, the tags and most of the insurance. I'm shooting to earn mine by June 30... Just in time for Danny's birthday!

I ALSO qualified to enter the program to become a Mary Kay director, which means a promotion and more importantly, a bigger opportunity to speak into the lives of the women I work with. It's a training and mentoring position and I'll be teaching women how to do life - TRUE LIFE with Christ - by teaching them how to do their Mary Kay businesses.

So what in the world do I have to do in order to attain these two big promotions? Well it comes down to (more or less) 10 parties in the month of May. So, uh, anybody feel like getting some girls together for a facial? ;)

Ok enough about Mary Kay for now - even though I could go on forever, I'm quite sure ya'll wouldn't be so excited about that. Ha ha!

We discovered last week that Danny LOVES soy milk. Why is this such great news? Well because he HATES formula. And because I am now totally unable to express any breastmilk, regardless of how fancy, expensive or wonderful my breast pump may be. And because of those two things, I was TOTALLY unable to leave Danny with anyone for his bedtime. Therefore, I had to leave meetings early, cut girls' nights short, or Alejandro would have to drive Danny to where I was for me to nurse him. Needless to say, I am enjoying this new-found freedom A LOT! Danny's Papa can take part in feeding his growing boy a couple times a week, and Danny will get to keep nursing a few months longer than he would have otherwise. Yay for all three of us!

Freddy is doing well! (Freddy is Alejandro's Dad, who has colon cancer.) He is still in the hospital, but recovering and they will soon remove whatever it was that was collecting the fluid/material in his lungs that made it hard to breathe. He will soon begin chemotherapy. Fanny (Alejandro's mom) enjoyed throwing my sister-in-law a baby shower this weekend and she's working on getting the car fixed so she won't have to ride the bus to and from her work and the hospital anymore. Praise the Lord, and thank you thank you thank you to the generously giving person who made that possible!!

On another random note, I just realized the other day that my in-laws' names are Freddy and Fanny - like Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac! Ha ha! It made me laugh!

I can't believe we're on day 40 of Mi Querida Biblia - our journey through the Bible in a year! Wow! I am a week behind - but I am enjoying the reading immensely. How about you all? I know I'm way overdue for a Mi Querida Biblia post, and I thank you all for sticking with me... Those of you who have. I pray God is blessing you greatly through it!

Well, I think that's it for now. Time to head off to dreamland! Have a wonderful night!


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