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May 27, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Hooray for this stream of consciousness style post that (maybe) MckMama created, but certainly has perfected, and which I have adopted. 

Cuz I don't have to plan, edit or really even think! 

Just write. 

My brain is a big ol' ball of tied up knots right now, because there are SO many things I've wanted to post this month, but which have been put on the back burner as I pursue my goal of earning a free Mary Kay car and becoming a director.  How are we doin' with that?  Well, it's too early to tell how this month will end up.  I'm staying positive and thanking the Lord that making-my-goal-or-not, this month I've been allowed the privilege of earning from home and flexing my schedule around my son. 

I gotta admit - I could REALLY use a good long sleep-in and a full day of blogging!  I'm thinkin' Saturday.  ;) 

Today we got an email from my brother-in-law, Gustavo, in Costa Rica.  His wife, Angie, had an uncomfortable night last night.  She's 36 weeks pregnant and experienced some pain in her hips.  Sounds like cramps to me, but he was all excited about his little girl, Fiorela, making moves as though she's gettin' ready to make her debut.  He is quite possibly THE CUTEST young dad I've EVER known.  Well, ya' know, except for my husband, Alejandro.  Who is now, you know, a veteran or something.  Ahem. 

My mother-in- law -love  is ECSTATIC. 

Around here, I have quite the up-and-coming toddler on my hands.  He's gettin' closer and closer to crawling and turns over with ease.  He hasn't figured out yet that he can roll aross the floor from one end of the room to the other, but that's just as well for me because I can already tell that my free time is about to get slashed in half when I have to keep him out of everything. 

We decided to start weaning him from breastfeeding this week.  There were several factors that came into play in our decision to start now, but the long and short of it is that we just decided it was a good time for all of us.  So far he's dropped one meal for the last 3 days and has taken in soy milk instead.  Mom and baby are doing just fine.  But I have a feeling that when it comes time to let go of that breakfast meal, mommy's gonna shed some major tears.  Oh I'm getting all choked up just thinking about it. 

Ok on to the next topic. 

Thanks for putting up with all my phone pictures this month.  I actually have been taking pictures with the regular camera.  I just haven't been posting them.  So since Danny is almost 11 months old, it's high time I posted his 10-month old pictures, dontcha think?  Well, here they are... 


I posted them back in chronological order since this blog is my online scrapbook.  There are more pictures this month to come.  :) 

Probably on Saturday. 

No news is good news in our famlies - a dysfunction that my husband and I are just as aweful at and which we've come to just accept throw up our hands in surrender.  Anyway, we haven't heard much about Freddy lately (my father-in- law -love who has colon cancer).  Last I heard he was home, recovering, and receiving oral doses of chemotherpy.  Any further surgery has been post-poned because his body is too weak to handle it.  Having a husband with cancer and a daughter-in- law -love who is 36 weeks pregnant in one household is quite a lot to handle, so please keep Fanny in your prayers, but she seems to be very up in spirits and relying on the Lord to be her strength and grace.  She has been an amazing example of Godly love to me.  I am ever thankful that she is that example to my husband and I. 

Oh, the mother-in- law -love phrase?  I got that from a Mary Kay mentor of mine.  Isn't it great!?  Love it!  Feel free to copy and steal.  ;-)

Well, that's it for now...  I guess I'll be back on Saturday, unless I manage to snap a phone picture between now and then!