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May 18, 2010

Crashing Waves

When I was in college, I used to lay down at night with the window cracked open no matter how cold it was just so I could listen to the sound of the crashing waves against the cliffs of Point Loma in San Diego, California. It was an incredibly soothing sound. I think because listening to ocean waves is like listening to God breathe. I never ever get tired of it. (The ocean or God's breath.)

So tonight I am listening to a CD of ocean waves.

When I'd walk down the hill from my classes to my dorm room, I'd look out over the expanse of the massive Pacific and see God. I saw His power. His steady unchanging character. His immoveable unstoppable utterly enormous love.

And I'd just revel in it.

Tonight I am doing just that.

I'm in the race of my life towards the dream placed in my heart by God Himself and opposition has hit me - as it always does when it comes to pursuing the dreams God places in our hearts. I'm racing towards the finish line to complete this month's requirements for the Director program in Mary Kay and I'm being asked to have faith and to pursue. I'm not being allowed to see how it will all come together at the moment and it's taking longer than I'd like.

Anybody else gotten to this part of the race before? Anybody else get to this part and sit down?

I have.

And I refuse to do it again.

I have 25 facials to go this month. Would you pray for something that seems so silly? Would you pray against cancellations and for favor among the woman I work with? Would you pray that no matter what that they would feel the Love of Jesus and that they would be blessed by my presence? Would you pray that I would meet a need for them?

Thank you friends.

What are your dreams? Your battles? May I pray for you?

Jesus holds your dreams, your hopes, your passions, your purpose, your talent, your destiny, your future and your desires in the palm of His hand.

"I will fight for you," says the Lord. "You need only to be still." (Exodus 14:14)

In His Love,

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