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December 7, 2009

San Diego Trip: Last Two Days

I'm back with pictures of the last few days of our trip to San Diego!
Friday, at my Mom's house, we had a tree-decorating morning... although, to be truthful, I actually did none of the actual decorating. I did a lot more observing and intending to help as I held my little one, changed his diaper, and put him to sleep. While I did all those things, everybody else did this...
Yes, all of those boxes did have Christmas decorations on them. Fortunately, not all of them had to go on the tree...
And what a beautiful tree it turned out to be!
After all that hard work, Grandpa Shaun and
Danny had a wrestling snuggling session.
Later that evening, we went over to my Dad's house and had a BBQ for some friends we weren't able to visit earlier in the week.
Jennifer, Jared and their son Daniel came over...

Who knew straws could be so much fun!?
My friend Sarah and I attempted a squishy-faced picture. We had a little misunderstanding about what that was. She thought I meant squish-your-face but what I meant was to squish both our faces into a picture while I hold the camera. But when she squished her face, I thought it was so funny that I squished mine! In the end, we got it figured out.

Christine and her daughter came!

It was great fun!
By the end of the evening, Danny was pretty tuckered out.

Saturday morning, we woke up early and headed over to The Living Room, our favorite coffee shop in San Diego for a morning family date.
We were somewhat groggy... but never to sleepy for airplane!

Just before flying out, Danny's new Uncle Dave and he played some... Dave's getting ready to be a dad himself. I think he's gonna be great at it!
We ended our trip with a birthday celebration Saturday night for my Dad, who turned the big 6-0, and church with my sister and him Sunday morning. Here he is hangin' with his grandson for his birthday party.
Check out this video...
Happy Birthday, Dad!

When all was said and done and it was time to say goodbye, we were
sad to go, but glad to have spent great times with family and friends.
Bye, beautiful San Diego! See you again soon!