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December 28, 2009

I Forgot


I'm blogging from Costa Rica! How fun is that!?

Come back soon... I've got a another blog scheduled to post tomorrow. See ya'll soon!


Written Dec 25

I forgot that here, you kiss cheeks instead of shake hands.

I forgot that word. I forgot all those words!

Now I remember that here, toilet paper goes in the trash, not the toilet. How many times have I fished it out of the toilet already this trip!? Gross.

I forgot that you shower with 1/3 of the water and it takes 3 times as long to dry, because the air is 300 times more humid.

Now I remember how I hate feeling lost in a conversation and being the only one not laughing, because I missed one phrase or cultural reference.

I forgot that you sleep with all of the sounds of the street because the entire house is open to the air through windows and gates, even though you need three keys to get through the front door and two gates in order to get just 10 feet outside to the curb.

Now I remember about fireworks in the street at midnight on Christmas Eve. And sleeping until noon on Christmas Day.

I forgot how wonderful it is to sleep to the sound of the afternoon rain rattling on the tin roof.

Now I remember how I like foam mattresses better than spring ones and how good I sleep here.

I forogt how much I like the moistness in my skin and the warmth of the sun.

I forgot about "perdon" (pardon me) and "con permiso" (excuse me) and "buen provecho" (enjoy your food).

Now I remember rich, fresh bread for 50 cents from the corner and cream cheese on top.

And now it's time to go eat some!