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December 16, 2009

The most exciting time to blog... always when I'm way too frazzled and busy to actually sit down and write one.

Like now, for instance.

What am I frazzled and busy with? I'm so glad you asked!

Well, for one, we're leaving to go to Costa Rica for two weeks(yay!) in eight days (gasp of panic!). So that gives me plenty to do to get our little family ready to go.

Secondly, we introduced Danilo to rice cereal on Sunday. I can't wait to share the video and pictures with you, just as soon as I create an extra hour in my day tomorrow... Needless to say, mealtime is no longer a quick ordeal.

And then there's all the normal Christmas to dos and goings on... And all the normal wife and mommy to dos and goings on.

Oh and then my little... er... growing business which is my calling and my career.

So now you know why I'm blogging from my blackberry in bed with the lights out.
So for now, nighty night! ;)
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