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December 6, 2009

San Diego Trip: Day 6 -
Thanksgiving Day
My Mom Got Married!

Yep! On Thanksgiving Day, my Mom and her Shaun got married!

First, we all met at their house and got ready...

Tom (the officiant), his family and my two boys.

Dave and Kiarri... and Ruth and Mom.

Anne cooked the turkey... Shaun got his shoes on.
Yes, he wore those for his wedidng.
I don't know. Don't ask me.
Shaun, I love ya' man, but really?

Lisa and I smiled for the camera!

Then we headed out the door and into the car and down the street...
To here!

On a balcony over-looking La Jolla, they tied the knot!

Here we have the entire group in attendance.

Fun, huh!?
(Danny was sleeping at picture time.)

The flowers were gorgeous.

My Mom was even gorgeouser!

No, I don't care that that's not a word.

There were a few hang-ups, but it worked out and while we waited,
Danny woke up and decided to play!

Finally, it was time. The Bride and Groom walked down the aisle hallway.
There were vows.
And rings.
And a pronuoncement of husband and wife!
We made it official.

And then there was cake!
After cake we headed back home, Anne finished cooking, we all hung out, some of us took a walk.. and then we sat down to eat. Man, it was delicious! Anne, you are amazing!

In the end, this family...
...and this family...
...became one family.
Congratulations, you guys!
We love you!