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December 23, 2009

I thought my Mother loved me.

And then I got THIS little item in the mail.

Well, it DID come along with a bunch of other very cool items in the mail.

But if you do something to me, you're bound to be blogged. My mom knows this.

Anyway, back to the subject. I have a little, um, phobia. It's a little abnormal I realize. It doesn't involve heights or insects or big animals.

It's magnets.

I have a phobia of magnets.

I don't mind kitchen magnets. Cause I can tell which side is which and they nicely stick to the refrigerator. It's the small square magnets with nothing attached to them that repel when you put the wrong sides together.

I HATE that.

I know. I shouldn't hate. But I do. I'm even getting the willies as I describe this to you. Goose bumps up my spine, I tell you! (See how much I love you to tell you all this?)

And my MOM - who birthed me and loved me for years - sends me a package of extra strong ones!!

I'm traumatized.

I MIGHT need counseling.


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