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December 13, 2009

Christmas Tree Cutting

...Colorado style!

About four years ago, Alejandro and I moved to Colorado from Sunny San Diego. When living in San Diego, Christmas tree-hunting usually meant driving to the local tree lot and picking out a tree in our budget. That meant we were getting a small tree.

So, when we moved to Colorado, one of the first winter traditions we started was the hunting and the cutting of the Christmas tree! This year was no different, so we loaded up the dog, and the baby, and the snow boots, and headed into the 5. Degree. Weather.
Uh huh. Can we say cold!?
Oh, but it is a beautiful tradition. And this sight...

...makes my hubby's heart happy!
Danny stayed snug as a bug-under-a-rug in his car-seat taking a cozy nap.

First, Alejandro ventured into the cold frozen forest to find that perfect tree.

Then he sent me to find a tree.

And then I sent him again, with our trusty dog Toby, to bring it back.

He came back successful!
But successful!

After an hour and a half in the car, Danny was good and ready to get out, so we ventured into the cold for just a few minutes...

But his poor little nose got red, so we got back into the car and turned the heat on...

...while Papa put the tree on top of the Jeep.

Our timing was perfect, because the storm rolled in and snow started to fall as we drove home.

Then we came home and completed the decorations:

Just kidding!!! This is so not our house.
But isn't it pretty?

This is our house.

Merry Christmas time is here!