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December 28, 2010

What All The Fuss Sawdust Was About

Last week I posted about how our house became Santa's Workshop for a few days. 

Of course, at the time, I couldn't explain what we were cutting

and carving

and staining

and varnishing.

But now that the gifts have all been received

and opened,

I can!

I've always liked the idea of making our own gifts every year.  We had a blast doing it this year, so maybe we'll repeat the experience... but then again it was a LOT of work, so maybe we won't.  Who knows.  In any case our new found friends, Brooke and Bobby, inspired us and helped by providing us with some Aspen wood.  

As most projects go with us, it turned out to be much more involved and labor-intensive than we expected, but all in all, it was more than worth it.  It will be a Christmas memory we'll hold dear for a long time and we are really pleased with how everything turned out. 

What things made YOUR Christmas special this year?