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December 7, 2010

It's time for a...

Today has been a heavy day in our little blogging community... to say the least.  If you haven't put it together yet, my post in which I cried out to God why was written right after I got off the phone with my friend Kingdom Mama, who has had her world seemingly fall to pieces around her.  Her husband - our good friend - has left her.  My heart has hurt deeply for her these past couple days and I have been praying for her without ceasing.

Then Mckmama poured out her heart and Ellyn took bold blogging to a new level and really got me thinking.  Finally at 6 p.m. I handed my son to my husband, thankful that I can do so, and went upstairs to weep in my sanctuary.  And to hand it all back to the King one more time.  The hardest thing about all this  for me is that I can't fix things.  As much as I wish I could.  I'm sure you all wish you could too.

I know we are all praying.  But I also know that we all want to reach out and help Sarah and her five little ones during a Christmas season that will be much different than she expected it to be.  One of you asked me today to set something up so that we can help her, and I thought a Love-A-Thon would be just perfect.

It's perfect because, well... it was Sarah's idea first

Here's the vision...  (there are three parts) 

First, to shower...   No, FLOOD...  Rather, INUNDATE  her household with prayer.  Pray pray pray pray pray for what she wants and desires so much - which is to see Papa Bear reconciled and completely in love with Christ, hearing the TRUTH of the Holy Spirit and living in Joy.  Can we pray for that? 

Second, to tell her so by clicking over to her blog and leaving a comment on any ol' post and just letting her know you are lifting her in prayer.  This will accomplish two things at once.  First, it will encourage her and second, it will send income her way.  You see, the income from her blog is based on clicks to her site, so the more you click, the more it helps!

Third, we are going to raise $1,000 to send to the Kingdom Twindom household!  This would help pay December's bills for their humble mountain-town cabin, as well as allow her to do some extra special things for her five under six for Christmas.  If fifty of us donated $20 each, the goal would be accomplished.  I'm keeping the Chip-in box open through the 25th, but if we can send her this Christmas blessing early, she'll get to use it before Christmas day. 

Won't you join me?  Please help me spread the word!  Be-friend me on FacebookFollow me on Twitter and tweet at me about the Love-A-Thon and I'll follow you back.  Blog about it... in fact, if you'd like to re-post this on your own blog, email me and I'll send you the html code for it.

Thank you thank you thank you in advance!  I have seen the Church, as it was originally intended, lived out in a more Christ-like fashion in this little bloggy community than anywhere else.  Thank you for letting me be a part of it. 

With Love,

**For some reason, the chip-in widget is delayed... as of 2:45 pm, we're at 14%.  Yahoo!!  Keep spreading the word!