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December 17, 2010

Strike That

I don't think we're in Kansas California anymore, Toto Danny. 

I used to watch the rain this way in San Diego.  That's because it only rained about one and a half times per year.  It never ceases to amaze me how the world outside becomes a winter wonderland overnight. 

Yesterday, as I was hoping and not hoping for snow (hoping because, well, it's December, and not hoping because it means Alejandro can work more) I was pondering the things I say to Danny God says to me.  
No you can't have that right now. Because it's not time yet. I'll let you have it in a little bit when this is done.
(As he's throwing a fit.) I know it's hard to understand.
Don't play with that. It's dangerous.
I love you. Come here and we'll fix it together.
You're my favorite.
No, right now it's time to clean up, not get it all out.
Honey, tell me with your words. I can only help you if you TELL me what you want.
Yesssss! Great choice!