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September 21, 2010

Round 1

One point for Danilo. Zero points for Mom.

He cried and played in his crib for an hour and a half. He pulled up on the side of his crib, but since he couldn't figure out how to sit back down - despite the fact that I was sure he'd eventually figure it out - he stood there until his little arms and legs were so tired he practically collapsed when I picked him up. Um, can we say hard-headed? I wonder who he gets THAT from!

Then, since he was having no part in being put down to play, I grabbed my Ergo carrier and walked him for about 2.5 seconds till he fell asleep. So here we sit. Him asleep on my chest. Me blogging and reading on my phone and wondering what on earth I'm going to do differently tomorrow.

Lord, help me!?
