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September 21, 2010

Papa's Gone For A Few Days

So today was day 1 of being a single mom for three days.  Alejandro is away on a job a couple hours from our home and it's just easier for him to stay there, than to drive back and forth three or four days.  And serious?  I just don't know how you single moms and military wives do it.  It was midnight before I had the laundry done, the kitchen clean, the cloth diapers in the dryer, the dog fed, tomorrow's lunch and dinner made (because I'm certainly not going to have time to make it tomorrow) and myself in my pajamas.  I decided I needed to make tomorrow's meals tonight because of how today went. 

Today, Danny decided (for the 5th time in a week) to scream through his afternoon nap, because he's pretty much over the second nap in a day.  Which makes me very sad.  And which makes it very difficult for me to get any of the things done I usually do in the afternoon.  One of them is dinner, so today, instead of packing spaghettti for him and I to take on the road (tonight was my Mary Kay training meeting, so Danny went to a friend's to play while I went to the meeting) we stopped by Walgreens for a few things.  I had microwave ravioli.  Danny had microwave toddler food.  It was carrots and mashed potato something or other.  He wasn't a huge fan.  I wasn't really either.  Therefore, I'm cooking at midnight to make sure we eat no more microwave food. 

So I'm also learning to GREATLY appreciate all that my husband does around here.  WOW!  He is an enormous help and is very involved.  Danny definitely will be missing him by the time he gets back.  Ok, actually, he already does. 

Things are going pretty well for both of us in our businesses.  Alejandro has plenty of work for this month and I am so very blessed by the women crossing my path, trying my product and spending time with me.  Thank you for all of your prayers for us!  Please do keep them coming!  But we praise Jesus every day for how greatly He has blessed us.  I am SO TRULY THANKFUL for Alejandro's lay-off. I never thought I'd say that, but it seems as though we've "broken through" in a whole new way on several different levels.  I've mentioned before a new level of comaraderie.  I may have also mentioned a new understanding we have of one another.  There are some pretty unique challenges one goes through in establishing and maintaining self-employment that are hard to explain if you've never done it.  There is a "mental game" that goes on that takes time to master.  Ok, well it took ME time to master.  Alejandro seems to have figured it out instantaneously.  I feel like I'm rambling about the whole thing, so I'll stop for now, until I have my thoughts more organized and can articulate them better. 

I'm quickly veering from the theme of this post, but I wanted to fill you in on our camping trip...  We had a great time!  Our little family of three thoroughly enjoyed three days of being dirty.  You should have seen how filthy Danny got.  Yeah, we let him crawl around and play in the dirt and gave him regular baby-wipe baths.  We discovered that he likes to eat rocks.  Oh well, there are worse things, right?  He could like eating dirt.  Little Caleb (Matt and Melissa's 9 month old) decided to have a taste.  He didn't like it one bit.  Actually, he was a little unsure about the whole camping experience in general, but we are so glad Matt and Melissa decided to give it a try and venture out.  They had a rough night, but all in all, I'd say they fared pretty well.  Well, at least that's my take on it.  You'll have to stop on over to see what she says.

Ok well, it's 1:20 a.m. and this may well be one of the worst posts I've written but I better stop now and get some sleep for tomorrow's big day.  Danny is officially transitioning his schedule to only an afternoon nap.  Please say a prayer for me us.