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August 10, 2010

This morning I'm attempting to get back on some semblance of a balanced schedule in which I have time to write.  And read scripture.  And breathe.

Because for the past 5 days I've pretty much scurried around from one task to the next.  Or I've abandoned tasks altogether and played.

So today it's about balance and focus and getting back to a little normal life, even if it is home away from home for a few weeks.

Danny has settled in pretty nicely, although he's in a stage where (it feels to me) like he's... ahem ...asserting his will a bit more. It's kind of wearing me out.  Alright, actually I'm just worn out in general for the time being.  Hence the need for a balanced schedule.

Anyway, I thought I'd remind myself of a time just a few short months ago when asserting his will was cuter than it is now.  :)  Enjoy.
