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August 2, 2010

I Should Be Packing...

Because in the morning we're getting into (what will be) our very full Jeep and driving 1,200 miles to California. We're taking Danny (of course) and the dog. And the cat. (My Dad and step-mom are giving her a new home at their house.)

It's going to be a traveling zoo.

So I SHOULD be packing. But instead I'm watching Danny play in his miniature jeans and size 3 tennis shoes. It's the cutest darn thing I've ever seen in my life. (I know I say that a lot.) Earlier Danny was driving his toy car over my back. It felt SO good.

But anyway, the reason I pulled out my phone to write was to share with you one of my more genius ideas.

No really! This one's good! Not like my single-digit microwave cooking. Much better. Seriously.

A couple of months ago I was disliking my living room because it had been taken over by the Pac-n-Play and toys. We hadn't figured out anything to use to put his toys in and I didn't want to spend money on baskets. So the Pac-n-Play sat in my living room filled with toys.

Then genius hit.

(Wait for it.)

I grabbed a couple of medium-size boxes. Then I went and found the stash of gift bags from Danny's baby showers. (The ones I intended to scrap-book with at some point except that, um, I don't scrap book.) I cut apart the bags and covered each box with my favorite gift-bags like wrapping paper.

Then I put the toys in them, took down the Pac-n-Play and put them in front of our fireplace.


I have my living-room back! AND Danny can pull out whatever toys he wants, because they're just the right size for him. And when he figures out how to climb into them, I won't be worried about any nice baskets being destroyed. AND we now have our Pac-n-Play back for use. It worked so well I made a couple more and put them in my office and Danny's bedroom.

See? I told ya.

