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August 12, 2010

The Attitude Adjustment

Good morning. I'm in a much better mood now, as promised. ;-)

Danny slept through the rest of the night after chomping down some homeopathic teething tablets. And for the first time since we got here, I slept through the night too! Yay!

It's amazing what sleep will do for one's attitude. Thank you for enduring my tantrum last night. Yesterday I posted whined on Facebook about a late night trip to the drug store replacing our late night date. Then a great friend reminded me that all lemons could be made into lemonade. Her comment was great! She said, "But if you get yourself some chocolate and a new bottle of nail polish maybe you could call it a spa trip..." SO TRUE! Thank you for that reminder, Melissa. You are a good friend, indeed.

So in order to cancel and replace all the negativity from last night, I think a little thankfulness is in order. So here goes...

This morning I am thankful.

I'm thankful for a great night of sleep. I'm thankful for a comfortable bed and a place to stay and way more food to eat than I need and a mom and step-dad who love us and will let us invade their house for weeks on end without a set-in-stone leaving date. I'm thankful for the ability to write and the convenience of a computer just downstairs and a phone from which I can Tweet and blog and Facebook to my heart's content. I'm thankful for the way technology keeps me connected. I'm thankful for the blue sunny sky and green grass and ocean air that makes my skin hydrated and my hair, um, have that sexy wind-blown look. I'm thankful for the in-betweens of life that take us away from home and give us a new adventure and time with family and friends we don't see often. I'm thankful for the way God provides the pennies that we're pinching (and plenty of them) and nice people on the phone at the mortgage company who do their best to fix their error. Even if it does take them a long time. I'm thankful for savings and that truly, if it takes them a month to get it back to us, it would be ok. I'm thankful for Jeep warranties and the possibility that some of the mechanical work may be paid for. I'm thankful that Alejandro has plenty of work. Actually more work here than he can handle,

and that we get to be around for it.  I'm thankful that my son has a Daddy who models for him a good work ethic.  I'm thankful for sand.


really really

really thankful

for sand.

And for little boys who grow up.

And for big boys too.  

Have a fabulous day, everyone.  I plan to.