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August 12, 2010


Tonight I'm just mad.

I'm mad that we're struggling. I'm mad that we have to pinch pennies so tightly. I'm mad that our Jeep transmission went out on this trip that we took so Alejandro could take some jobs out here. I'm mad that this trip was supposed to be a lot more profitable than it may end up being. I'm mad at our mortgage company because they erroneously drafted DOUBLE our mortgage payment from our account, HURLING us into the negative and a flood of fees and that it will take them who-knows-how-long to send us the money back. I'm mad that Danny is teething and waking up crying. I'm mad that instead of a late-night-date tonight, we had a late-night-trip to the drug store for teething tablets. I'm mad that my period hasn't come. (I know, sorry. TMI) I'm mad about California sales tax and gas prices and materialism and fast pace. And speaking of materialism I'm mad that I don't have the convenience of a laptop with me. I'm mad that my hair doesn't behave in this beach air. I'm mad that my stomach likes all the food here. And my thighs do too. I'm mad about a funky feeling in my throat that medicine isn't helping. And for that matter, I may as well be mad that the sky is blue and the grass is green.

And now that my little tantrum has been had, I'll go to sleep focusing on all that I have to be thankful for (which is much) and I'll be back in the morning in a much better mood.

I promise.
