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August 23, 2010

Bonding Across Four Generations

My grandmother, who just turned 90, has been nick-named Namas every since that was all that my sister and I could pronounce as little girls.  She has throroughly enjoyed her great-grandson.  There is something a little unique and special about having four generations of family in one room, and Lord willing, I imagine that when I'm her age and have my great-grandchildren in my home, I'll probably glow like she did.

Wanting to find something to entertain Danny while he was visiting, she scoured the house for something fun for him.  She finally found one of the things my sister and I used to enjoying playing with:  A very old bag of clothes-pins.  The bag was made to look like a dress and it would hang on the line as my grandmother hung the laundry to dry outside.  I still remember hiding between the clothes as she worked. 

It turned out to be the perfect toy for Danny. 

Check out this video of him playing.  While he played, Namas taught him to say "uh-oh" and he hasn't stopped saying it since!