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August 17, 2010

San Diego Mission Bay Park Pictures

I don't think I'll ever tire of pictures of Danny at the park.  And since the San Diego Bay was within walking distance of where we were staying (at my Mom's house) and it had a park...  well, there was simply no stopping us! 

Danny's many expressions are just a crack-up to me.

I can't wait until he can share what's going on in that little mind of his.  I can just imagine it now...

"So, Mom, as I was saying..."

"...I really think the world could benefit from my theories..."

"...I mean, think about it.  Don't you agree?"

"...Yes!  Ice cream for everyone would solve world peace and world hunger at the same time!"

"Hey everybody!  I got a great idea here!"

I crack myself up. 

This picture is one of my favorites.  And it's not because the sun is angled just right and the wind is blowing my pony tail just perfectly and my stance just happens to make my leg muscles flex just right so that I appear to be one of those beach volleyball players.  No.  That's not why.  Ahem.

Grammy loved the park too!  I swear (except I don't, and I definitely don't copy MckMama in saying that) Danny was pumping on the swing!  He would lean back and forth just at the right time!  It was great!!

And there you have it...  Our San Diego Mission Bay Park pictures.  Now you can go on with your Monday.  :)  Have a great one!