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August 21, 2010

How we're spending our days...

We've been pretty busy lately...  but we actually have been doing other stuff besides working, or spending time with family, or going to the bay, or playing at the beach or, you know, a whole host of other Southern-Californian activities that we've been up to.

We've also just been doing a lot of hanging' out with this growin' little boy.


One of his new favorite games is to give stuff to me.  Or you.  Or anybody.  Of course, then he wants it right back.  That's the game.  He loves it.


We've also been hangin' out with family.  I've gotten some great quality time with my sister, Lisa.


She's going to be a famous movie director some day.  Just for the record.

Oh, and there is never-ending fun when it comes to Mary Kay boxes and packing popcorn and little boys.






That's just a little bit of what we've been up to, when we're not up to all kinds of other crazy California stuff.