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July 30, 2010

Stream Of Consciousness

Ok I'm sorry. I know I promised to post WHOSE birthday cake that was... And I will. But first I have just GOT to write all of the words I've been composing in my mind all morning.

Last night I went to go do a Mary Kay facial with a woman I met at a Country Music Expo a few weeks ago. I did do the facial. But the reason I was supposed to go was for a very in-my-face intense encounter with God. (We'll call her Heidi - um 'cause that's her name.) Heidi had some prophetic words for me and they went about as deep and true into the heart of an issue of mine as is possible. I don't think I'll share too much about it (at least for now) but it was just an incredible experience and it left me quiet and introspective. And awed that He would orchestrate such an encounter through an almost stranger. And overwhelmed with His love. And exhausted at work done and more work to be done still.

So that's one big ball of thoughts I've been mulling on since last night.

Another big ball of thoughts I'm mulling on is the fact that yesterday we decided to pick our family up and head out to California for a couple weeks. Alejandro has several jobs lined up in San Diego through family and friends, so off we go with no sure date of when we'll return. Yesterday it sounded exciting and I'm sure tomorrow it will again but today I'm just a little overwhelmed at all that needs to be accomplished between now and Tuesday when we leave.

One major task is finding a home for our cat, Abby. In the picture above she's snuggling with me and Danny before he was born. Ok actually she's SITTING on Danny before he was born. Anyway, she is a sweet friendly wonderful cat. She's been "fixed" but not de-clawed (we don't believe in doing that to cats) and we want to find a really wonderful home for her. We are just not able to give her the attention she deserves anymore. If you are interested in taking her, or even if you'd be interested in having her for a short time while we're in California, please let me know (

Ok while I'm laying my requests at everyone's feet - I mean computer screens... Here's another need of ours: Our life for the next two weeks would be significantly easier if we had a laptop to take with us. If you have an old but functioning one you'd be willing to pass on or sell for very cheap, please let me know that too.

Alright, before this email gets to sounding too much like a string of Craigs' List posts, I'll move on.

I AM pretty excited about going to San Diego. I hear they've been having cooler weather, and since I've pretty much been sweaty since last April (gotta love those mommy hormones) I'm looking forward to a cool ocean breeze. I'm ALSO looking forward to letting Danny have time with all his grandparents and seeing my sister and burying my toes in the beach sand and fresh fish tacos and seeing old friends and spending some time with my Mary Kay unit (I started my business in San Diego) and... Yeah ok the excitement is coming back.

But for now it's time to take away the cherry stem Danny is chewing on and get my house ready to leave. Oh, and post those birthday pictures!

TTFN! (Ta ta for now...)
