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July 23, 2010

a few changes around here

Well in addition to the major changes that are happening in our household...  there are a few changes here on my blog!  I hope everyone likes the new header! Leave a comment and tell me what you think. 

Since MckMama tweeted at me this afternoon, I know I'm getting lots of new visitors to my blog, so welcome!  Please stick around.  I'm honored that you stopped by.  :) 

Things around our house have settled into a sort of new regular but hopefully temporary routine.  I am SO proud of Alejandro and how intensely he has focused on applications for a new job.  Please keep praying for him.  Pray for favor, for his spirits (and mine) to stay positive, and for clear direction from the Lord.  He was offered a job today, but unfortunately it wouldn't meet our needs, in addition to the fact that it's not really what he's looking for.  So, needless to say, he's still looking. 

I've got pictures of our new niece in Costa Rica, wedding pictures from my trip to San Diego last June, a couple of cloth diaper posts, and a video or two to share, so come back soon.  :)  Oh, and by the way, if you're visiting, I am definitely not a photography guru, so any great shots were either sheer luck or they were taken by Matt Frank or Jon Eichelberger (great friends of ours). 

Ok, that's all I've got in me in the way of words at 1:45 a.m. so until I return...  Happy Friday!
