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July 2, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Grammy & Grandpa Shaun gave this bowl to Danny for his birthday! Look how great the straw works as a handle! Ingenious.

Danny and I woke up late this morning. I'm having one of those morning when I write in my mind. At least that's what us writers call it. Everyone else calls it "talking to myself." Whatever. It's all semantics.

But back to the picture... Danny now recognizes when his picture is being taken and responds with this big toothy almost-scary grin. Today when he gave me a sweet smile at breakfast, I whipped out the camera on my phone. At the very last second, the sweet smile was replaced with a big scary squinty eyed laugh. I think he's doing it to tease me.

I made a pot roast last night. My first one, and I'm very proud! Who knew it was so easy!! Gotta love that crock pot. It came out deliscious and made me look like an amazing kitchen-genius. I am not. Just in case you were wondering.

Things with our Costa Rica family are hairy today. Gustavo and Angie (our brother and sister in law) are doing well with their new baby girl, Fiorela. I was waiting to announce her birth with pictures, but Gustavo's been a bit too busy to make it to the internet cafe to send pictures. So we're waiting... rather impatiently.

Anyway, with a new baby in the house and Freddy's condition, it's a little hectic. Add to that the fact that they had to stop his chemotherapy because his body is rejecting it, Fanny is sick with something awful and sinusy (and when she gets sick it's especially icky due to her lupus) and Freddy's sister is visiting them so there's the added stress of a house-guest. Oh and plus the accelerator of Fanny's car went out today. So she's back to taking the bus to work until it can be fixed, which she can't miss because she's out of vacation time. Yeah. Lots of challenges in their house, to say the least. So please lift them in prayer.

I haven't heard the results of Danny's blood work yet... Waiting for the call from the doctor's office.

Ok that's all the news I can get in for the moment. I'll see if I can get birthday pictures up today. My computer stopped arguing with me last night. Pictures will brighten Fanny's day. :)


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