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July 1, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

I could really use a vacation right now. And by "vacation" I mean, a beach towel, sunglasses, an umbrella, sand in my toes, something icy and fruity to drink, a laptop, a super nice camera, plenty of time to write, and a good book. Oh and someone to bring me whatever I might decide I want.

Just to be specific.

In case you were wondering.

Alejandro, are you taking notes? Feel free to surprise me anytime. And by "anytime" I mean as soon as possible.

So today was Danny's birthday! Yay! I have a one-year-old. He made it through a year with us, which means we have survived our first year of parenting! And we didn't do too shabby, if I do say so myself.

He had a fabulous birthday party, thanks to all that came... I have great pictures, complete with a naked-down-to-the-diaper picture of Danny eating cake. But I'm arguing with my computer right now so the pictures have yet to be posted. They're on their way, I promise.

TODAY, however - Danny's ACTUAL birthday - really wasn't fun at all, unfortunately. Danny got his one-year-old shots. Those actually weren't that bad. It was the blood work that was almost my undoing. And by "bloodwork" I mean, "pin your screaming toddler to your chest while nurses pin his arm to the table and draw blood." For a solid minute.

A whole minute, people! It was traumatic, I tell you.

I jest, but in all seriousness, I did almost burst into tears. It was awful.

Fortunately, this kid has incredible bounce-back ability. Either that or a short memory, because he gave the nurse an enormous teary-eyed grin a mere 30 seconds after she let go of his arm!

Anyway, the reason we were getting the blood work done is because my little bundle of energy is still a mere 16 pounds, and 27.5 inches long. He's not even ON the percentile growth charts so the doctor wanted to start finding out why. I'm trying not to let it worry me. My gut says he's fine, but I AM still a mom.

Yes, I'll keep you posted.

I am about 3 weeks behind in reading Mi Querida Biblia and am working on catching up. I'm feeling guilty for not having written about it lately... Where are ya'll at? Are you getting great stuff from it? :) Let me know in the comments section.

Ok my husband's snores - I mean deep peaceful breathing sounds - are making me jealous so I'm going to cut this short. Thanks for reading! I'll talk to ya'll soon...


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