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October 2, 2009

Thankyou God for Weeds and Poop

Well, I'm a little late this week, but here is part 4 of Poop and Weeds Wednesday. This one is really good! Read on...

Thank You God for Poop and Weeds

Mark 4:3-20
"Listen. What do you make of this? A farmer planted seed... Some fell in the weeds; as it came up, it was strangled among the weeds and nothing came of it. Some fell on good earth and came up with a flourish, producing a harvest exceeding his wildest dreams.

"Are you listening to this? Really listening?
‘…Whose eyes are open but don't see a thing,
Whose ears are open but don't understand a word,
Who avoid making an about-face and getting forgiven.’”

"He continued, "Do you see how this story works? All my stories work this way. The farmer plants the Word… The seed cast in the weeds represents the ones who hear the kingdom news but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all the things they want to get. The stress strangles what they heard, and nothing comes of it. But the seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word, embrace it,

…and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams."
The Message Bible
Some verses omitted

Part IV: A Little Each Day
(Written last year)

Don’t try to pull all the weeds out in one day. Once I tried doing this, and not only was I unable to finish, but I was exhausted and discouraged by the end of the day. Children don’t grow up over night (though sometimes we think they do). The basement doesn’t get organized in one day. Marriages aren't healed in one counseling session. Grass does not go from brown and weed-ridden to green and lush in two hours, and our spiritual struggles do not get resolved with a quick prayer and a good verse.

Have patience with God, your life and yourself.

I am the worst at wanting to fix everything all at once and check the “done” box. I don’t want to walk through the steps it takes to really gain the maturity and wisdom God wants to grant me in an area. And sometimes I am hard on myself when it takes me a little while to “get it.”

Trust in the Lord’s timing.

Think of a time in your life when something has taken you a long time to forgive, resolve or learn. What did you gain, that you would not have, if it had been a quicker process and you hadn’t walked through the whole journey? Was someone else impacted? Is it now a story you can share to encourage others because it was a struggle overcome? Was your spiritual stamina increased? Think of something you are impatient with now. What might God be teaching you and how will long-term trust in Him impact the maturity of your faith?

When I was weeding today, I periodically looked up to see how much more I had to go. When I did so, it started to be discouraging. I quickly realized that this was not a one-day job. I even said to myself, “Well, I guess this will give me more to do next weekend.” In saying that, I experienced somewhat of a relief. I could be pleased with what I accomplished, rather than be overwhelmed by what was ahead. After that, when I looked up, I didn’t think, “There is SO much more to do.” Instead, I thought, “This will look AMAZING when I’m finally done.” And I could glance over at the patch I had finished and see the difference I was making already!

Although I wrote this a year ago, it's a message God knew I needed to hear today. (Hopefully it speaks to each one of you as well.) There are so many issues in my life that I want to be resolved right now. Even just one of those issues leaves me feeling broken and discouraged if I don't look at it through the grace, strength and power of Jesus' healing love in my life. And often I can feel quite alone in that issue.

But the Lord whispers sweetly to me, "You are not alone. You have Me. I understand how you feel. I walked through it. And being the God who created the Universe, I have given you the strength to overcome it - not all at once - but one little day at a time."

And He also says to me, "I have given you my church. A people surrounding you who love Me, who know my power, and who are broken in their own difficulties as well. They understand you." Too often, shame keeps us from experiencing the comfort that there is in church (as it was truly meant to be).

Thank you for walking alongside me and encouraging me. Many of you in the little things - by the way, I'm down 7 lbs with only 13 to go! And a few of my closest friends have been there through the deep embarrassing shameful things. Thank you ALL for prayer.

This Sunday we are dedicating our son to the Lord. Actually that means that we're dedicating ourselves as Godly parents to him. Would you please pray for us? Would you leave a comment and let me know you're praying? That would SO encourage me today. :)


Anonymous said...

I'll definitely be praying...and I'll see you Sunday!

Mrs. Valente said...

Awesome post!

I SOOO wish we could be there! Will be praying though.

BTW, I love the new header. Y'all are so cute!