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October 29, 2009

Praying for Matthew

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Today is the day we lift Matthew to the Lord and intercede on his behalf! Thank you for the way you all are praying and encouraging Lori and her family as they fight for him. Lori wrote to me in the comments section of the last post, but I wanted you all to hear what she wrote.

Thank you so much for this! You are amazing and I appreciate your prayers and your actions more than words. I want to clarify, just so that you know, that we have a TRIAL scheduled for April (although the date could be moved up). Thursday is a review hearing. While it may be possible that we could lose Matthew on Thursday, it is not probable. However, Thursday SHOULD have a major shift in where all the important people's opinions lie. Obviously, we want that pendulum to shift in our direction and not in the birth father's. I am very stressed about it (although I am praying that God would lift that) and it is, of course, a very big deal. I just wanted to make sure you knew it wasn't the actual trial. Again, thank you for your blog. Your words are a beautiful encouragment.

Thanks, Lori, for helping us know how to pray for you!

Everybody, please post your prayers in the comments section of this blog so that Lori and Troy can read them. This is for their encouragement. Of course, you can also click on the Praying for Matthew button on my sidebar and leave your prayer for her there too. (I'm not sure why the button in this post doesn't send you to her blog.) Or you could email them to me and just let me know you're praying and I'll let Lori know.

Thank you all for the way you have joined me to fight the spiritual battle for Matthew's future! May you be abundantly blessed by this experience.
Lord, thank you that we have the privilege of approaching your throne of Grace with our worries and fears, our problems and our trials. Thank you that you take interest in the big battles and the little ones. Today we lift up Matthew to you. We know that you already know the outcome of today's hearing and the future trial and you already have plans for Matthew's good and for his future and those plans are better than anything we could imagine or invent. Father I ask that it would be Your will that Matthew would stay with Lori and Troy for his childhood life and that in their home he would receive a clear understanding of his loving Heavenly Father who will never abandon him. By the power of the Holy Spirit, work today, in the hearts of the judge and all of those involved in this case, so that they would see that the best home for Matthew truly is with Lori and Troy. Relieve Lori's stress and remind her that You work everything together for the good of your people and that this battle is Yours. As it says in Exodus, she need only to be still. Be with Garrett and calm his anxieties as well. Thank you for how he loves his little brother so unconditionally. Strengthen Troy as the leader of his family and place in him a rock-solid assurance today of your love. Give this family peace. We pray all of these things in Jesus' Holy name. Amen.
(Here are a couple more prayers I've received in my Inbox.)

Hello Prayer Warrior,

Let's make this a wave of prayer that begins now, on our knees, on our lips, in our hearts, silently and that wave after wave of prayer supports Matthew and, ultimately, Lori. Love and strength to Matthew, Lori and all the prayer warriors.

Hola Renee, I am praying!

Shirl Lee
"Do not worry about tomorrow, God is already there"

1 comment:

Lori said...

Thank you so much...