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October 29, 2009

A losing battle...

I am in a battle raging war with Danilo's thumb.
And I'm getting my butt whipped.

Today before his nap, he cried, fussed, kicked, whined...
I gave him his pacifier... he spit it out.
Finally he found his thumb, and the whines turned to cooes
and the tears turned to sleepy closing eyes.

Since he doesn't seem interested in his green Soothie hospital paci anymore,
I tried the this one.

It didn't last long. Even when I tried to hold it in.

And invariably I go in to wake him up from his nap and see this.
Anybody got any ideas?
I'm stumped.


Melissa said...

No ideas, but that is just too cute for words.

Mrs. Valente said...

Nope. I lost the battle with two of mine....well, this time I just rolled over. Cause really, it is ridiculously cute;)

A said...

Our birthmom sucked her thumb until she was in 6th grade, and she said socks on her hands finally did the trick. And try pulling on the binkie instead of pushing it in. It will intensify the sucking instead of him feeling like you're forcing it.

Good luck. And I wouldn't worry too much until he's got to explain his thumbsucking to his wife! ;)

Renee said...

Thanks you guys! Today he did take a pacifier more readily... Pulling the paci insteadof pushing it DOES work. Thanks, A! I guess I'll just have to do my best and not sweat the small stuff. :) And it IS ridiculously cute!